Project Run Aways


Axel woke up slowly. He felt groggy and his eyelids were heavy. His body was stiff and hard to move. After minutes of trying, he finally got into a sitting position. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. Back in that damn same white room. Axels' body suddenly bolted up-right as he remembered what had happened. The last thing he remembered was Roxas dead in his arms. Tears swelled up in his eyes and started streaming down his face. He stomped over to where the door was and started slamming his fists into it.

"What did you asshole do with Roxas?!" He screamed, even though he knew no one would answer back.

"We're fixing him. Be patient." A voice said over the intercom and Axel stood there staring at the floor with his forehead resting against the door.


Sora was laying on a cold, silver steel operation table, a blanket over his body. His eyes opened slowly. Everything was so blurry. He shivered at the operating tables coldness and sat up slowly. He winced as he moved his left arm and looked over to see the cause of the pain. There were bandages wrapped around the upper part of his arm. He forgot he got shot. He reached up with his right hand and touched a band-aid on his forehead. He looked around and seen another operating table, the body fully covered. He got to his feet and shuddered at the icy cold floor. He tip-toed over to the table and hesitantly gripped the end of the blanket and lifted it slowly. He screamed and fell back onto his behind, pulling the blanket with him. He stared at his brothers body lying on the table pale and cold as ice. He covered his mouth with trembling hands.

"Didn't expect him to be there huh?" Vexen asked as he walked in, pulling a blond girl with him. "Your brother is dead."

"He can't be! Roxy promised he'd stay with me forever!" Sora shouted angrily.

"Forever doesn't exist boy. Get that through your head. But, since the master wants this boy alive, we'll bring him back."


"With her of course. Why would I bring a little girl in here if I wasn't going to use her?"

Sora looked at the girl. She had long, light blond hair and pale skin. She kept her head down and her feet side-by-side. She wore a plain white dress that ended in the middle of her thighs and it complimented her figure well. He shoes were little light blue platform shoes with a strap around the heel and Cris-crossing her feet. He looked up at Sora slightly, her eyes just as blue as his, but they were sad and lonely.

"What's her name?" Sora asked as his curiosity got the better of him.

"Her name is Namine, now get back on that bed before i hurt you," Vexen threatened. Sora ran back to the table he woke up on and climbed up quickly. Vexen pulled Namine over to the table Roxas lie on and whispered in her ear. She nodded slightly. "I'll be back," Vexen said and walked out.

"Namine. That's pretty. I'm Sora," Sora said with that big warm smile of his. Namine looked up at him. "So um, how are you going to help Roxy?"

"I can bring people back to life." She answered very softly, so softly Sora had to lean in her direction and strain to listen.

"That's amazing!"

"Not really..."

"Why do you say that?"

"With every person I heal, a chunk of my soul fades away. When my soul fully fades away I'll just be an empty shell..." Namine explained, her voice getting quieter and quieter until it finally faded at the end. Sora sat there and stared at her surprised.

"That power must really suck for you then..."

"What's your power?"

"I... Don't know," Sora said as he thought about it. Vexen walked back inside.

"Start Namine," he ordered.

Namine slowly places her hands on Roxas's bare chest and closed her eyes. A faint green glow surrounded her hands, slowly getting brighter and bigger. The green glow flooded across all of Roxas's skin, it was really pretty. After minutes of this process the glow around Namines hands absorbed into Roxas and disappeared, same with the glowing blanket around Roxas. Namine opened her eyes, looking exhausted and even more empty than before. Sora frowned then jumped as A gasp eminated from Roxas's mouth.

"Roxy!" Sora squealed and ran over. Roxas opened his eyes, unable to make anything out. Sora hugged him tightly as he started to cry, but out of joy. 'I wish I could tell Axel about this'. Sora thought to himself. Axel looked up at the wall and blinked.

"Why is Sora in my head?" He asked himself. 'Sora?' Axel thought.

Sora then blinked as he heard Axels thoughts. 'Axel?!'

'How are you in my head?!' Axel asked.

'I think I just discovered my power!' So smiled.

'What do you wish you could tell me?'

'Roxy is alive!'

Axel stood there blinking, his lips curling into a giant happy grin as he whispered Roxy's name softly to himself.
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*sighs* this was almost a year late. Now I'm gonna be blunt; I honestly forgot about this story and I apologize. but here's the next chp. so be happy x3