Missing a Human Heart

An Elegant Surprise

I stared at the mirror on the locker door pensively as I brushed my dark, curly hair. “Such pretty hair growing on my head…” I sighed to myself.

“You’re so conceited,” Derek laughed, coming up next to me.

I was surprised to see him during break, since his new girlfriend seemed to be dragging him away from Pamela and me every chance she got. I turned to him and smiled sweetly. “But we all know I have reason to be!”

“That’s the biggest lie of the year,” he taunted as he put his books away into the locker beside mine and Pamela’s.

“I know, I’m just kidding. Don’t you know me? Fifty percent of the things I say are exaggerated,” I reminded him as I tied my hair to the side. “It’s just this one fatal flaw…” I murmured quietly.

“Your clumsiness? Or your vanity?”

“Alright, I have two fatal flaws. I’m not vain, though! I was kidding! Anyways, I’m more adorable than gorgeous in my point of view. You’re only vain if you think of yourself as gorgeous, right?” Derek rolled his eyes. “That’s more... Pamela’s and your area of expertise, you’re both natural beauties. Of course, Pamela is too smart and makes herself seem intimidating, so I guess it’s just you who’d actually seem vain.”

“Your logic makes absolutely no sense,” Derek stated, used to my typical sugariness. “But what’s your other fatal flaw then?”

“My terrible eyesight! Since I can’t even see past a foot in front of my face, I have to wear these big glasses for the rest of my life… Or until I get laser eye surgery… No one will see how delightful I really am.”

“Just get eye contacts.”

“What if they get stuck in my eyes? What if they rolled all the way back to the inside of my head? I’m not taking that risk.”

“That’s not possible.”

“I guess. Oh, another fatal flaw! Fear of pain.”

“Pandora, your parents chose the right name for you.”

“Derek!” a shriek rang out. We both turned to see his girlfriend bounding towards us. I hid a scour beneath a glossy smile. “Sorry Pandora, I’m going to need my boyfriend back. But, if you’re looking for a guy to flirt with, I hear some of those mutants are still alive somewhere.”

“Sasha!” Derek yelled as she led him away. How could one of my closest friends be so blind when choosing a girlfriend?

As break ended and my classes resumed, I couldn’t help but think about those poor mutant children… I’d gotten them out of my mind right before break, and that brat put them right in my thoughts again. Those poor people… maybe someone would find a cure without testing on them, since that’s why they’re hiding from people.

“I have to find it!” I yelled as I ran into the forest the centaur had entered only moments ago. I heard Pamela’s footsteps, thankful that she decided to follow me. I wasn’t sure what I was thinking, exactly. But I just knew I had to find him. After running past innumerable trees and greenery, I slowed to a wheezing halt. Pamela joined me within the next five seconds, despite my head start.

“What were you thinking?!” Pamela yelled between breaths.

It took me a minute before I was able to answer. “It’s one of them. You know we have to help them, right?”

It took her a moment to think over the situation, but Pamela still seemed unsure. “What exactly can we do for him even if we do find him?”

“We can take him home and ask him for rides on his horse half,” I replied with a laugh. She only stared at me. “Okay, um… We can still bring him home and help him look for a cure.”

“You think Mom will let us bring home a half human, half horse guy?”

“We can sneak him in! It’s better than having him live out here in the frigid, murky woods…”

“He’s half horse! Even if we can find a way to get him into the house without Mom and Dad noticing a giant creature, his hoof-steps would be loud enough to attract attention from them.”

“Well, actually, I’m capable of turning into a fully human form,” a prim voice offered from behind the both of us. We turned around slowly and looked up into the face of a handsome man only slightly older than a high school graduate. The sudden realization that there was a real mutant standing in front of me urged me to scream right into that kind face that was speaking so gently to us. I clutched Pamela’s shoulder and covered my mouth with my other hand just in case.

“You’re… One of them…” Pamela gasped. It’s a good thing she did the talking.

The centaur’s face became solemn as he nodded slowly. “I am,” he confirmed slowly, his dull green eyes seemed to beg us not to fear him.

“And you’d like to come home with us?” Pamela asked seriously.

“Yes. I don’t have a home to go to. If you’d be so kind as to invite us in… I promise we won’t cause any trouble.”

“Us? There are more of you here?” I finally spoke up, surprised.

He nodded, “Two more of my friends.”

“Where have you guys been living?” I questioned, rather concerned.

“Out here, mainly…”

I turned to Pamela, with a wide smile. “Please? He said he can morph into a human form! And…” I paused, noticing an err. “Wait, if you can morph into a human form, then why don’t you just stay that way?”

“It’s not that simple… If we don’t turn back into these mutant forms often, we could die. Having the form of a human wastes a lot of energy.”

“Pamela…” I whined. “We even have a guestroom they can stay in! No one ever goes in there!” Pamela thought about the situation. I could practically see her responsible half struggle with her compassionate side. “Pamela!” I yelled, getting tired of waiting.

“Alright, alright! Um, how long can you stay human?”

“About a week before I must change back to this form for at least a day.”

“And what are your friends like?” Pamela interrogated.

“Would you like to meet them now?” he asked graciously.

“Yes,” Pamela replied as I nodded my head vigorously.

He put his hand in front of us and I looked at it curiously. Did he want to shake hands? Pamela reached for it and I saw her eyes widen as he pulled her over and carried her on his horseback. “Oh my gosh!” I cried with a huge grin. He reached for me next and I felt so light when he lifted me and placed me behind Pamela.
“I forgot to ask, what’s your name?” I questioned.
