Status: Two-Shot :)

Merry Christmas, Barakat

Kat Burns grew up in a small town everybody called Brooklyn. Well it used to be a small town when she was younger but since then things have really changed. There are more gangs around now a days and Kat wishes she could change everything for the holidays. Both of her parents are out of town on the job and she has no other siblings. The only thing she wouldn't change was sneaking out and going to that concert five months back. Her favorite band, All Time Low, was in town and Kat knew she just had to go. Like all parents do they said no. Kat made the risky choice of sneaking out and going with her friends. It all paid off.

At the concert that night Kat met young rock star Jack Bassam Barakat and they quickly hit it off. They talked and flirted for awhile until the boys had to leave to play a show in Ohio. The pair exchanged phone numbers and with in a few weeks were boyfriend and girlfriend. Now that the winter months have come Kat still sits at home alone waiting for the day when Jack will come home. See Jack is on tour with his band mates and promised he would be back for Christmas. Kat barely believed him. I mean, why should she? He is on the other side of the United States and mostly all flights back home to Brooklyn have been delayed.

Will Jack make it back to Brooklyn before Christmas is over? Or will Kat spend it alone?