Status: Done.



The snow fell down from the opaque sky as the next couple weeks had passed on quickly. What Morgan and Kendall had said that night during the sleepover had made me very wary about Christofer’s behavior. I really didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary with him, he seemed perfectly fine to me.

I sat at the table with my sister across from me. Both out parents were at work, leaving us alone in the house. It was Tuesday, but neither of us had school on account of the snow.

Yeah, I too, was pretty shocked when I found out it snowed in Missouri.

“So, how are you and that Christofer kid?” My sister asked before stuffing her mouth with a spoonful of Froot Loops.

“We’re alright.” I mumbled. Of course we were okay, it was what Kendall and Morgan said that has me freaked out.

“Doesn’t sound too convincing. I may not be the brightest bulb, but I’m not that dim, so spill it.” Her eyes never left my face. I hated how she could read me like an open book. She was too observant for own good.

“It’s just… when Morgan and Kendall slept over a couple weeks ago, they mentioned something about Christofer’s behavior and it’s really been bugging me.” I sighed. I didn’t really want to tell my older sister about Christofer. All she would do is point her finger at me, howl with laughter and start yelling ‘ I told you so’, but I figured that she was the only person I had left to talk to.

“Really? What did they say about him?” She propped her elbow on the table and let her head sit atop it. Her eyes sparkled with interest; she knew what I had to say was something important.

“Well… they’ve been saying that Christofer likes me.” I mumbled. My eyes danced, memorizing the patterns of the dark wood table. It stayed silent for a second, letting the ambient noise peek through.

“Well, can’t say I’m surprised.” Her voice was muffled when she took a sip of her tea. Though she tried covering up what she said, I understood her one hundred percent. My eyes darted to her face, almost shocked and appalled that she would agree with Kendall and Morgan.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” My voice was steadily rising. I didn’t understand why I was getting so upset, I was slowly loosing my grip on my emotions and I didn’t know how to regain control again. My thoughts had taken full reign.

“It’s just how to interact with that boy. You let him hug you and hold your hand; you’ve allowed him to be apart of your life Aara, you might not see it, but you’ve got a connection to him.” My sister stared blankly outside of the bay window that was in our kitchen and looked outward to the snowy blanket that was accumulating.

“But I don’t see it! He seems completely normal to me.” I muttered, trying to control my emotions.

“Yeah, you don’t see anything because you have no experience with people Aara Lee. You don’t see anything wrong because he’s your first real friend in years. You still have no idea how the male brain works.” She grunted before getting up and walking past me and into the living room.

“So you’re implying that I’m a complete idiot when it comes to people?” My brain was screaming for me to stop arguing with Leah and just leave, but I didn’t want to. Something in me needed to fight.

“Oh please Aara, of course I’m not implying you’re an idiot. You’re exceptionally bright, but when it comes to people, let alone boys, you have not a damn clue as to how it works.” I could tell Leah was already getting tired of this conversation and I was rapidly spiraling downward.

“Whatever Leah, it’s not like you have a perfect relationship.” I rolled my eyes and started trudging up the stairs.

“Yeah, at least I wasn’t acting like a mute for six and a half years.” Leah retorted. I simply looked back at her, before climbing the rest of the stairs and slamming my bedroom door shut.


With my eyes tightly shut and my hands delicately resting on my stomach, I tried to envision every moment I had with Christofer, from the first day of school, up until recently. I desperately wanted to see what everyone else saw; I wanted to see how he acted around me.

Infatuation. That’s what Morgan called it. She kept repeating her thoughts on Christofer’s behavior, claiming that he had changed drastically ever since the day he met me. I still couldn’t believe it. How can I believe he acted any different around them when I wasn’t around to see?

I do admit, I found the hand holding a little odd, but Christofer Drew Ingle was the king of all things odd. He was a giant goof ball, a dork, and everything else associated in those categories. He’s the music geek that excels in social situations.

I hoped and prayed that what Leah, Morgan and Kendall were saying was a complete lie and over exaggeration. I didn’t want Christofer to feel infatuated. I didn’t want our friendship to be complicated. I just wanted to be his best friend, nothing more and nothing less.

There was no sense in trying to picture it in my head, it was no use. I decided I needed to just repress those thoughts into the far depths of my head and hope it never peaks its ugly head out, but of course, with my luck, I wouldn’t bet my soul on it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aara's clothing

Leah's Clothing

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