Status: Done.



“So honey, how was your day?” my mother yelled from the kitchen. I sat on the couch, finishing what was left of my homework.

“It was fine.” I mumbled. I didn’t want to tell her I gained a new stalker at school, that stalker being Christofer Drew Ingle. She would say what every other mother would say in this situation.

Awe. He’s got a little crush on you.

Commence gagging sounds.

I was never one to really say much. The only person I spoke to was my older sister, Leah. She and I have a special relationship, always have. She is an amazing sibling, thought she loves to call me short shit. We shared a room together, so I am the way I am because of her.

Leah was full of imperfections, and she herself, pointed out every single flaw. She never allowed anyone to tell her what she wasn’t good at, cause she already knew. She is so sure of herself and confident, while I’m mostly bitter and angry.

Of course my sister got the better end of the gene pool. She had dark brown hair; wavy and paste her shoulders, Roundish face and big hazel eyes (from dad’s side of course). She was taller then me and was fuller body-wise. At first glace, you’d think of her as snobby or full of herself, but in reality, she has probably done more volunteer work in her few years of middle and high school then Mother Theresa had in her lifetime.

“Well that’s good. Any cute boys in that school?” I could tell my mother was smirking in the other room. She always found my incapability of actually muttering the L- word quite hysterical. She says girls my age should be experimenting around with boys, to live and learn the trials and tribulations of relationships. I thought otherwise.

But why take advice from a person who got pregnant during her junior year of high school?

“No mom.” I groaned while shoving my face into a couch pillow. She’s not even in the same room as me and she managed to embarrass me.

Just imagine her in public.

“I bet you’re lying. There has to be at least one boy. Now tell me, do you know him?” She walked into the living room and sat down right next to me. I pushed my face deeper, hoping she would sense my discomfort in the conversation and leave, but of course, she wouldn’t get it. Not even if you hung a big neon sign above my head saying “victim of embarrassing parent”.

“Mom, you know how I am. I don’t date. All those kids at school are annoying and prissy.” I grumbled, focusing on my work. She sighed loudly and patted my leg.

“That boy must be pretty special if he’s got you so pissy.” She muttered before leaving the spot on the couch and entering the kitchen again. I rolled my eyes and continued my work.


I wasn’t looking forward to school, I never did. School is the worst, especially when you’ve got a mousey look boy following you almost every single chance he got. The only good news was that my sister was swinging by the school to pick me up early (unbeknownst to my parents).

I spent majority of the morning avoiding Christofer. I always chose the seat farthest away from him, hoping he’d get the message and stop talking to me in general, but of course, being the natural born pest that he is, he made sure to switch spots with people so he could sit right next to me. Fucking kill me.

I had managed to loose him right before lunch through the narrow halls filled with hundreds of bodies. I hoped that I would get the call from my sister, but of course, seeing as my luck always fails, I saw that I had a new text message from my sister.

Car broke down. Sorry. Come by the car shop when you can.

“Great”. I muttered to myself before shoving my hands into my pockets. I walked into the main office and told them I was going to leave anyway since my sister was oh so smart enough to call in advance and tell them I had a ‘ doctors appointment’.

Now you understand why I adore her.

I sighed and pushed open the doors and saw the sun shining brightly in the sky. This would be a nice day, but the down side is that the car shop if three freaking miles away. I groaned loudly and smoothed out my bangs. I still couldn’t believe I had to walk three fuckin’ miles to the car shop. I started walking off the school lot when I heard a voice.

The same irritating voice I’ve been avoiding.

“Hey Aara! Where yah’ going?” Christofer called out as he ran toward me. I thought about speeding up my pace, but it would be no use. With his freakishly long legs, he could take 3 steps and reach me in a matter of seconds.

“What does it matter to you anyway?” I asked, not looking at him.

“Well, I wanted to offer you a ride. I mean, this is a small town, there aren’t always nice people roaming the streets.” He flicked his behind his ear, which I happened to notice were gauged. I pondered this for a moment. I knew that if I let him give me a ride, he would continue on pestering me, but I mean, I don’t want to walk 3 miles.

“Fine.” I muttered. He smiled lightly and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the student parking lot. We both hopped into his car and he pulled out of the lot and into the street. It was relatively silent, which I appreciated. It was never silent when he was in a room.


For the rest of the ride, we drove in silence. I would occasionally tell him to make a turn when he needed to, but any other form of conversation was basically non-existent. When we did finally arrive to the car shop, he parked the car right and sighed.

“Thanks for the ride.” I mumbled, not really sure how to properly thank him for saving me from a long walk.

“Anytime Aara. If you need anything just ask.” He looked through the window and was staring at a girl.

“Was that supposed to be your ride?” He asked. I silently nodded and placed my hand on the door handle. When no other words were exchanged, I got out of the car and slammed the door. I heard his car roar back to life and he sped off. I walked towards the shop and saw my sister leaning against the hard brick wall. Her eyes spotted me instantly and smiled.

“Sorry. Mummy and daddy are cheap shits to buy me a working car. “ She joked while folding her hands behind her.

“Eh, it’s alright. I hitched a ride form this kid at school.”

“You hitched a ride? Something must not be right in the world if you managed to get a ride with someone.” She giggled lightly before hugging me.

“Well gee thanks. It’s so nice to know I’ve got such a sweet sister.” I said sarcastically. My sister smiled and went to go check up on her car. While I stood alone, kicking the small pebbles around with my feet, my mind ran back to Christofer. I wonder why he offered me a ride after I obviously and unsuccessfully have tried my hardest to avoid him. Maybe it’s just cause he’s too nice? Maybe he did it out of boredom? Either way, it was sweet, I’ll admit; Too sweet for my taste though.

It wont be long before me and my sister actually leave the car shop, and I’ve got this positive feeling that she’s going to ask why I was in Christofer’s car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aara's Outfit


Leah's Outfit

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