Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?


“Where’s L?” I ask, noticing the lack of one member at our normal breakfast table.

“Up in his room working on the Kira case most likely,” Comes Near’s raspy whisper.

“Kira case?”

Everyone at the table face-palms, apparently I’m on the outside again…

“You don’t know about Kira, the mass murderer in Japan? It’s all over the news! What rock have you been living under?” Coke demands, her voice rising with each word.

“Oh… okay, I think I know what you’re talking about now. The heart attacks thing, right?”

She nods.

“You better not even think of bothering him,” Matt says, little beeps and boops coming from the gaming device in his hands. “He’ll probably kick you in the face, and then have you deported. Plus, we’re really not supposed to talk to him anyway.”

“Why not? He ate with us before…”

“Yes, by his own choice. We’re not supposed to become buddy-buddies with him, so as to not sway his choice of successor,” Mello explains.

“Makes sense.” But I as I say this, I’m already making plans in my head on how to sneak up there without the others knowing. I have to find out more about this A character. It’s going to be difficult though, now that Mello, Matt and Near all know I want to talk to him, they’ll be keeping an eye out.

The rest of breakfast passes in silence except for the occasional clinking of forks and spoons, and the sound effects on Matt’s game.

“Well I’ve got a case to work on,” Mello sighs, his chair making an awful squealing noise as it drug across the tile. “I figure you guys are just going to play video games again?”

“I kind of want to do a puzzle,” Coke shrugs.

“It’s cool, I can teach Hell how to shoot some zombie ass via Xbox.”

“Oh joy,” I snort.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lateness, Christmas madness has been going on. There should be another update within the week, if not 2. Also some of you might have noticed that little link in the top right hand corner calling itself the sequel, and it is the sequel! Only so far it's only the description, I still have to make a layout and everything. BUT! If you'd like a sneak peek, go ahead and check it out. No worries though, Crazy House isn't over yet, not until the time gap.