Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?

Avoiding Mello.

Mello seems to find some excuse to help me out for every reason I have to leave his room for.

“I’m hungry.”

“I’ll get you something, I wanted another chocolate bar anyway.”

“I’m cold, I’m gonna go get a sweatshirt.”

“Here, have Matt’s!”

And so on. It’s rather aggravating.

I kind of feel like a baby, you know? Not being able to do anything for myself…

“Hell! Help me, I’m incapacitated and you’re just standing there!” Matt shrieks waving his controller in my face.

“Sorry, I kind of zoned out…”

“Nah, you just suck at the game, but it’s okay,” Matt smiles. I never really noticed what a cute smile he has. Bleh, it’s probably just the accent making me think that. Damn British men. “Hey,” He says, waving a hand in front of my face, “You okay? You kinda zoned out, again.”

“Me? Oh, uh yeah. I gotta pee.”

“Nice to know.”

“Hurry back dearest,” Coke coos. “And have a wonderful time.”

“Yeah… you got any tampax?”

“Gross.” Matt scrunches his nose and sticks out his tongue.

“It’s in the closet.”

Good, now I have an alibi, and an excuse Mello can't reason with. The tampax part will guarantee me a few extra minutes. It would take about 3 minutes to find and get tampons, then maybe 5 to pee and use one, tack on 2 more minutes to check out myself in the mirror, and I get 10 minutes to talk to L.

His room is 3 doors down, across the hall. My hands are beginning to shake out of excitement as I reach for the handle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shorties, they'll start getting longer soon, I promise. Next chapter should be a biggie.