Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?


His room is empty except for a computer sitting on the floor on one side, the only light emanating from it’s screen. In front sits L, perched in his normal crouch.

“I was wondering how long it’d take you.”

“E-excuse me?”

“You’re Hell, correct?”

“Well yeah,” I say, letting the door swing closed behind me, making the room even darker. It takes a second for my eyes to readjust.

“You see, I’ve been waiting for you, ever since you found those papers, I’ve been waiting.”

“How’d you know?” I ask, crossing the room so that I’m only a few steps behind him, still facing his back.

“I’m L, I know everything.”

Can’t argue with that.

“So what is it you’d like to know?” He asks.

“Well, I wanted to know more about A. Matt and Mello said A was here before you, but I figured you still might’ve met her.”

“Actually, they told you wrong. I was the first one to be here, A came after. They never met her either, which is why I assume they think A was really a boy. I’d also like to congratulate you on you discovery of those documents. You’re the second whammy’s house resident to discover them all on their own.”

My eyes bug out slightly, since when have I accomplished something spectacular?

“Who was the first?” I ask, I can’t help myself!

“Me of course.”

“Oh, right.” Some how, I’m starting to think that was a stupid question.

“So what exactly did you want to know about A?”

“Well, for starters why is she so much like Coke? I mean they’re the same height, same weight, same blood type even. It’s kind of creepy how similar they are.”

“Yes, I see many similarities, especially the eyes.”


“Yes,” He whispers, looking thoughtful distant as he presses a thumb to his bottom lip. “She has Alice’s eyes, the same emerald green. I was so surprised when I saw your friend for the first time, because never in my life have I ever seen another pair of eyes as green as Alice’s.”

Now I understand.

“You loved her, didn’t you?”

A soft silence fills the room, and I know I’ve guessed right.

“Did she feel the same about you?”

“Honestly, I don’t know, but her attitude often changed when I was around. We used to work on cases together a lot, B often helped us too.”


L nods. “I assume you’ve heard of the Los Angeles BB Murder Case? BB used to be a friend of mine and a fellow Whammy’s resident. I believe he was also quite infatuated with our dear Alice - she had this problem with many men, actually - but she didn’t feel the same. That made him angry, and sent him hell bent on catching Alice’s attention by destroying my reputation. Thus he started the murdering. He figured if he couldn’t beat me as a detective, he’d be able to beat me as a criminal, put me to shame, and win the girl. Unfortunately this all started around the time Alice turned 14, that’s when things started going down hill. I noticed the muttering, the bags under her, the weight loss, but I attributed it all to stress. By the time I realized what was going on and came to terms with it, it was too late, she was gone.”

“Why’d she do it?”

“Leading up to her death she began to show many signs of schizophrenia, all of which I ignored and linked to stress instead. It was my fault in the end. When B heard the news of our beloved’s death, he soon gave up his game. He tried to commit suicide but was caught just in time by an agent working under me. He’s currently locked up in a high security prison in some remote region of the world. I wonder… it’s only a matter of time before Kira ends him too.”

“Have you ever been to visit him?”

“Once, within five minutes of being in my presence he broke out of his straightjacket and tried to strangle me. It’s a really awful feeling when your best friend tries to kill you.”

“I imagine so,” I whisper.

His voice gets extremely low, to the point where it’s almost terrifying when he utters, “Oh you have no idea.”

Well it’s definitely been over ten minutes by now. Mello’s most likely going to go psycho tranny on my ass.

“Well I’d better be off, I’m not supposed to be in here, right?”

L smirks and turns back to his computer. Just as I’m about to turn the door handle he calls out, “You know I have complete faith in you. If you work at it, I’m positive you could take my place someday, as long as you stop telling yourself you can’t. Oh, and one more thing, keep an eye on you friend Coke. You said it yourself, she’s a lot like Alice. Make sure those boys don’t screw up.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
♠ ♠ ♠
And so ends the Alice Arc. For now at least, that chapter definitely held some forshadowing. Also I felt the need to include BB because he is amazing, and I love him. If I'm going to include A (and I know A is supposed to be a boy, but screw that, it's my story and I think A should be a girl!) I have to include Beyond. What did you think of the twist of making him L's best friend?