Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?


‘Dinner’ isn’t much of a dinner. Sure we all sit around the table, but no one acts normal.

The red head is still playing his PSP and eating his dinner at the same time. The tranny is only eating chocolate. The midget is eating dinner, sitting with one knee pulled up to his chest, and playing with a transformer. There is also another boy, he has messy black hair and is sitting in a crouched position on his chair. His ‘dinner’ consists of short cake and coffee.

But that’s only at our table. As I’ve only just recently discovered, there’s a crap load of kids here, kids of all ages. Apparently they were playing outside when I went downstairs before.

Why we ended up sitting with the weirdo kids is beyond me. Personally I would have liked to sit with the more normal kids, but as I learned at a young age, never contradict Coke.

“I’m Coke,” She declares loudly. The four boys look at her as though she’s just claimed she’s a purple unicorn with feathery wings.

“It’s nice to meet you Coke, I’m Near,” says the midget in a soft, hoarse voice.

“I’m Matt,” Smiles Mr. Gameboy, not even bothering to look up, but just continuing to click away madly with his thumbs.

“I’m Mello,” Says the tranny, and I cough slightly.

“I’m L,” Says the cake eater and Coke has a little spaz at this new information.

Fearing that she’s choking on her pasta I reach over to pat her on the back, but she shrugs my hand off and stares at the boy.

“You’re L?”


“As in the L? The greatest detective in the world?” She asks, her eyes bulging slightly with shock.

“Me llamo hache,” I say, keeping up with my whole Spanish cover story in order to avoid Mello.

“Shut up!” Coke commands. “No one cares. So you’re really L?” She asks turning her attention back to Mr. Cake eater.

I stare down at my plate, suddenly not so hungry anymore. Instead I reach over and shove Coke out of her chair, onto the floor with all of my weak strength.

She stares up at me in shock. “I didn’t realize you had the balls to do that. I mean I know you’re brave, but picking a fight with me, are you suicidal or something?”

Oh crap. What did I just do?

“Ay Carumba,” I mumble making a run for it. Jumping over the back of my chair, I make a run for the stairs, but I’m not fast enough. Coke catches up and tackles me to the ground.

“I’m sorry!” I wail, struggling to get her off of me.

“You better be, or I’ll eat your soul,” She smirks evilly.

“No! Not my soul! I need that!” I giggle.

After dinner we’re back up in our room. I’m lying on my back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Coke is lying on her stomach reading a Japanese manga book.

“I thought you were dyslexic,” I say.

“Oh I am. I just like looking at the pictures,” She smiles.

“Is there anything I can get you two?” Watari asks suddenly appearing in the doorway.

Gasping in surprise, I fall sideways off my bed. “Dude you have got to stop sneaking up on us,” I sigh rubbing my shoulder and climbing back onto my bed.

“My apologies Miss H. I was only wondering if you’d like anything to eat, it seemed as though neither of you finished your dinner.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” I giggle nervously.

“It’s quite alright. But I’d be glad to bring you something, even if it’s not food you want. Is there a toy or a game perhaps that either of you might like?”

Coke and I share a look of mischief and delight.

“I’d like a 51,000 piece puzzle in which all the pieces look exactly the same. That and a bottle of Coke.”

“I’ll get that for you right away, Coke. Anything for you Miss H?”

“Um…” I’m not really used to being waited on. “I guess I’ll have… a bottle of Diet Orange Crush soda?”

“Yes of course. I’ll be back in a moment ladies,” He smiles, then turns away and starts heading back down the hall.

“He’s so sweet,” Coke says, smiling slightly and flipping a page of her book.

“51,000 pieces that all look the same? How is he ever going to find that?”

“Well he said anything.”

And sure enough about twenty minutes later Watari arrives with the items we specified.

“This is one of Near’s favorites,” Watari smiles handing Coke her puzzle. “But I’m sure he won’t mind sharing.”

She opens the lid and proceeds to dump the puzzle onto the floor. Out pours 51,000 identical white pieces.

“Fantastic,” She says and begins working away, sticking pieces together at record speed.

“Your soda, Miss H,” Watari says handing me my bottle of Orange Crush.

“Thanks Mr. W,” I smile a cheesy grin and Watari chuckles lightly.

“Now you girls don’t hesitate to ask for anything.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Coke answers. “We won’t.”

And once again we’re left alone in our room.

Coke is now sprawled out on the floor hunting through her massive pile of white cardboard tiles.

I watch her, occasionally taking a swig of my soda. My eye lids grow heavy until eventually I drift off to sleep, letting the empty bottle slip from my fingers and roll across the floor.
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OH MY JEEBUS! She actually updated!

I'm sorry this is so late. By now you've probably figured out that I'm lazy and I start stories that I usually never end up finishing, but I have a goal this time people! I'M GOING TO FINISH THIS IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! So if I start to get a little lazy with the updates, hound me in the comment on my profile. My delicious Mello-ified profile, which I made all by myself! Hehehe. I'll PM you the CSS if you want. Just leave a comment... somewhere... or PM.