Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?


“Aw! They’re so cute,” Someone says in what seems to be a failed whisper.

“Should we wake them up?” Says another.

“No! Someone go get me a camera, this is adorable!”

“What’s going on?” I yawn, and then I notice someone’s arm is around my waist. “What the hell- MELLO?! What are you doing in my bed? You pedophile! Get out!” I scream.

Mello sits up abruptly. “I’m sorry! You said you were scared and asked me to stay and I fell asleep! I’m sorry!”

“Ugh you creeper,” I say, grabbing my pillow and whacking him upside the head with it.

“Well aren’t you a bucket of sunshine,” Coke giggles.

“Go away! I wanna sleep!” I groan. “You guys disappeared for like half an hour and I finally fell asleep and then you come back and ruin it!”

“Fine then, be a loser, go to sleep. See if I care,” Coke says rolling her eyes.

“Thank you,” I mutter and finally fall asleep.

The next morning comes all too soon, and I find myself trudging down to breakfast, still half asleep.

“I hate you,” I mutter under my breath, the comment is aimed at Coke.

“Stop yelling!” She groans and slams her head down on the table. “Oh god that made everything worse!”

I poke at my food a bit, but I’m not really hungry. Coke spends all of breakfast with her head down, occasionally looking up to scold us for talking too loudly. Finally she just gives up and storms upstairs. After a little more poking, I decide to go check on her.

“Coke, you okay?” I ask, knocking lightly on the door.

“Ugh,” She grunts. “Go away. I’m sleeping.”


I go back downstairs to where Mello, Near, and Matt are hanging out. The all-amazing L has disappeared again. There are other kids here, but I don’t talk to them much.

“So what’s up?” I ask, taking a seat next to Mello.

“Killing zombies,” Matt shrugs.

“Watching Matt kill zombies,” Mello answers.

“This place is so boring!” I sigh, dramatically flopping down on the floor.

“Miss H,” Watari calls from across the room. “I need to see you for a moment.”

“Be back in a second,” I whisper to the boys and then follow Watari down the hallway and into an office room.

“Now, since you are a student here I think it’s only right that we give you the same tests as the other kids, even if you don’t feel as… up to speed as them,” Watari explains. “Don’t worry you’ll have all the time you require to finish this exam, just try your best.”

He hands me a giant packet and I think I’m going to have a panic attack. There’s no way in hell that I’ll finish this within the next few hours, probably not even the next few days.

I sigh and grab the pencil Watari has supplied me with, and decide to attack the first question.

If x - 4(c + 2) = y, what is c + 2, in the terms of x and y?

Well how the hell am I supposed to know that? I’ll just skip that one and come back to it later. Next question!

Turns out the next question isn’t any easier than the first, or the one after that, or the one after that… Basically I’m going fail miserably. This has to be the most degrading day of my life. I feel so stupid. I can’t understand any of this!

Finally I just give up and hand the test back to Watari, having only completed a few questions, maybe 20 out of the 200 that were there. I probably didn’t even get those 20 right.

I look up at the clock and nearly have a heart attack. It’s 5:00. I’ve been working on that stupid thing for six hours!

“That was one long second,” Mello smirks when I slink into my seat at the dinner table.

“I had to take some dumb test,” I shrug, eyeing my dinner and suddenly loosing my appetite.

“Oh that thing? Yeah I took that when we first got here,” Coke said stuffing some sort of cookie into her mouth and washing it down with a swig of Coca-cola. “Took me like two hours.”

Well this is kind of embarrassing…

“Only took me an hour,” Mello said, his voice full of smugness.

Yeah that embarrassment I just mention, it’s full-blown humiliation now.

“Nerd,” Matt scoffs. He’s playing a DS now. I don’t think that boy ever stops playing.

“Geek,” Coke smirks.

“I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go rest now,” I lie.

“What about dinner?” Matt asks, looking up from the game in his hands.

“I’m not really hungry,” I call over my shoulder before descending the staircase up to my room.

I’m alone again. I always somehow end up alone. My eyes are stinging and I can’t help but let a few tears fall, but eventually my tears turn to sobs.

“What’s wrong?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I know, I need to update this more often! Just be luck you're getting two chapters which totally defeats the point of the cliff hanger, but ah well, you'll have to wait the agonizing three seconds for the next page to load. Or you know what maybe I'll just keep on ranting and now that you're already reading this you can't stop. It's like one of those annoying chain letter spam email things. Or hey, why don't you click this LINK you know you want to.

Well I think I've kept you long enough. Feel free to move onto the next chappy!