Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?


The new girl is sitting on the couch, right where I had been on my first day here. A moment ago she was watching us all with interest, and then her eyes locked on Near who was sitting a few feet away from her, playing with a transformer.

She got up, walked over, snatched the toy away from him, and then sprinted back to the couch in record time. Near is still dumbfounded that anyone, let alone a girl even tinier than him, dared cross him.

Coke, Mello and I stare at each other, our eyes wide before bursting out into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

“What?” Matt asks looking up from his PSP. “What just happened?”

The three of us are still rolling on the floor laughing so hard our stomachs are close to bursting. It’s a miracle Mello hasn’t barfed half digested chocolate everywhere.

“W-what’s your name?” I choke.

“Me?” She asks pointing to herself.

“No, I’m talking to the wall,” I say sarcastically.

“Mo-Mo.” She doesn’t seem very interested in being friendly. All she seems to care about is her newly acquired toy.

Fabulous, another weirdo has joined our motley crew.

“Well I’m Coke, that’s Hell, Mello, Matt, and Near.” She points to each respective person as she introduces us.

“Cool.” Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? So far I don’t like this new girl. She’s snippy, boring and rude. Wait, snippy and rude mean the same thing don’t they? Damn I don’t belong in this genius freak show.

Apparently I’m not the only one bored with Mo-mo, everyone else seems to have either moved on or reverted back to what they were doing before our very brief interaction.

“I can’t take much more of this,” I moan. Moan is such an odd word to use, probably because it’s usually associated with sexual things, but I don’t feel like changing it.

“I know what you mean, you can only kill zombies for so many hours before it’s time to switch to Super Mario.” I’m not entirely sure whether he’s being serious, or it’s a metaphor. Knowing Matt though, he’s being serious.

“Is this all that ever happens here?” I know I shouldn’t complain, I mean this is like the dream life, right? Getting waited on hand and foot, doing what ever we want whenever we want. It was fun but now it’s just plain boring. Possibly because I don’t find as much entertainment in watching Matt play video games as Coke and Mello do?

“No, we do stuff.” Mello had managed to keep his chocolate down just in case you all were wondering.


“Yeah, stuff.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“You know, stuff stuff.”
“Oddly enough, you’re not making this sound any less boring.”

“What he means,” Near butts in, “is that we are required to do work here too. Solving cases and such.”

Did I hear him right? “Excuse me, solving cases?”

“Why yes, of course. You do realize what this place is, don’t you? They’re training us to be the next L.”

Cue panic mode.

“You mean we actually have to do stuff?!”

Mello gives a loud sigh. “That’s what I was trying to tell you.”

“Who cares? We don’t have anything to do right at this minute so don’t worry about it.” Coke’s so laid back all the time, it’s almost unnerving.

“I care! I’m the one who’s lacking in the intelligence area!”

“That’s not the only area you’re lacking in,” She smirks throwing a glance at my chest.

With a huff I cross my arms over my boobs.

“They’re not that small,” Matt shrugs.

“Shut up before you regret it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short, but I'm getting better at this. There is a reason I chose to write it in the present as things are happening, but for the first few chapters I wasn't doing to well at it. I'm slowly improving.

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