Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?


In my moment of panic, my position had changed. Now I was just barely visible from the doorway. My heart’s thumping against my ribs, to the point where they might even split.

The door swings open with that cliché whiny noise that’s always in the horror movies.

“Hey, what’s up?” Of course it’s Coke, just standing there so casually. “Hey Mello!” She calls over her shoulder, “I found her!”

As if on que, up popped a blonde and a ginger.

“Ah, so you did find her,” Matt smiles, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

Mello pushes his way past both of them and points an incriminating finger at me, making my heart race out of fear.

“Just because you won, does not mean you’re better than me!” He yells.

Not what I was expecting, but okay.

“Yeah, you’re the coolest of them all, kay Mello?” I snort, hopping off the table and pushing past all three of them back out into the hallway. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be down here, so keep your voices down.”

“Okay mom,” Coke rolls her eyes.

“So what now?” I ask following as she leads us back down the hallway.

“Well, we still haven’t found Near, not like he’ll really be missed though.”

“You’re such a caring person,” I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Oh, I know, right?”
“He’s probably hidden himself away in one of those giant lego castles he has in his room,” Matt sighs.

“What a retard.” Always the sweet one, that Mello is.

“Well why don’t we go check his room then?” I suggest.

Matt and Mello take the lead since they obviously know their way around much better than Coke or me. It turns out Near’s room is at the opposite end of the hallway from ours, making his room the farthest from the staircase.

Matt reaches up and taps lightly on the door. Nothing happens. Mello steps up and pounds on the door.

“Open up asstard, we know you’re in there!”

“Very good,” Comes Near’s raspy reply. “You found me.”

“No fucking duh,” Mello snaps.

“Don’t be such a douche.” The words slip out before I even have time to think.

The three standing next to me all stare, looks of shock plastered to their pretty faces.

“What?” I ask, setting my hands on my hips.

Matt and Coke shrug, while Mello gives me the Satan of all evil glares and goes storming off.

“What’s his problem?”

Matt scratches the back of his head and says nervously, “He can get a bit… emotional sometimes.”

“He needs to hike up his skirt and grow a pair.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is complete shit. I'm so sorry. I was kind of brain dead on this chapter. Don't worry, the actual plot elements will pick back up next chapter. I'm so sorry guys. :(