Status: I'm gonna try for two updates a month. We'll see how that goes.

Is It A Crazy House or an Orphanage?

Happy Birthday.

We’re up in the boys’ room now, playing Left 4 Dead. Well I guess technically, I’m watching while Coke and Matt are playing. Mello is writing some kind of report on his computer.

Matt and Mello have spiced up the drab walls and pulled attention away from the depressing wood floors by adding a hell of a lot of junk. The amount of technology makes this room look like a mini Best Buy. I didn’t even know one person could use all of this, well I guess technically it’s two people, but the tech stuff seems to be more Matt’s than Mello’s. And of course we can’t forget the poster of some big boobed chick sitting on a motorcycle in her undies, now can we?

“Lovely,” I’d said when I first saw it.

“The naked chick’s for me, the motorcycle’s for Mello, the gay little twit,” Matt had laughed in response. English accents are so sexy, I think that’s the best part about living here.

Mello then punched him in the stomach.

So that’s where we are now, nothing much has happened since, except that I can’t seem to stop worrying about those pages I found. She’s almost exactly the same person as Coke, except in appearance.

“Hey Hell, you okay?” Matt asks, and I realize he’s been trying to get my attention but I’ve been zoning out yet again.

“Oh, uh… yeah.”

“Sure? You seem kind of out of it…”

Mello snorts at me from over on his bed.

“Well I was just wondering… who’s A?”

Both Matt and Mello give me a look that suggests that I’ve just said the most jaw-dropping thing anyone has ever dared mutter.

“I’m missing something, aren’t I?” Coke asks.

“Yeah, how’s it feel for you to be on the outside for once?” I snap.

She sticks her tongue out and flips me the bird. “So, who is this A, anyway? Ha, that rhymed, how tacky.”

“Apparently A was the first one to ever come to Wammy’s, even before L, but he couldn’t handle the pressure. He went psycho and eventually hung himself in the room across from Near’s, that’s why it’s locked.”

Coke flattens out her lips and raises her eyebrows as if to say, “Oh…”

“He?” I ask. “A wasn’t a girl?”

“Uh…” The two boys share a look. “Well, I never met A so I don’t know, I just kind of figured…. Why do you ask?”

“No reason, I just think you’re being sexist is all,” I say smugly.

“I think I’m being sexy,” Matt corrects, putting extra emphasis on the word.

“I think you’re all retarded,” Coke sighs, picking up her controller and resuming the game.

“Hey no fair! I’m not ready yet!” Matt cries, leaping over to retrieve his own controller.

So A used to live here? I guess she died here too. How sad. I wonder if that will happen to us too…
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Surprise! It's my birthday, so I thought I'd share the fun with you by giving you a present in the form of an update. I think I've gotten most of the filler out of the way now, and the actually story will start really rolling now. :)