Status: semi-active.

Teen-harmony, your soulmate is just a click away.

Peyton doesn't believe in love and Mike beileves everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere. Peyton, against her will, is now a member of the new teen dating site that is all the rage.
Peyton believes boys are nothing but a distraction between her and her dream of one day going to Stanford.
Online- she meets a mystery boy, TheGreatAndAmazing, who shockingly charms her with his vanity and arrogance.
In real life- she learns there is more to the seemingly unbearable Mike Peters than she'd ever imagine. Even more surprising, they understand each other.
In real life- aside from Mike exists Andrew Collins. The new California beach babe whom she can't help but adore.
Through a journey of friendship, growth, and the world of online dating, can Peyton learn that love isn't really what she's reduced it to being? Will she realize how lucky she is and what exactly she has before its too late and gone for good?