Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It

Rivals And Friends.

Will and I made our way over to my locker. He grinned.

"Well, what'd ya know! It's 5 lockers down from mine!" he smiled. I returned it. Will showed me how to open the stubborn locker, as I watched him, I could see girls smiling, and grinning and throwing themselves at him, but not to the point that Macy did. Speak of the devil.

"Hey Will! Parker's cousin..." she smirked.

"I have a name you know" I argued rolling my eyes.

"Ashley? Amy? Ariel?" she guessed.

"Anny" I stated.

"Right. So Will! I was wondering if you wanted to hang with me after school. At my house. My parents are gone for the week, and I was thinking, we don't hang out a lot" she batted her eyelashes at him.

"I'm actually hanging out with Parker, and my girlfriend, Anny today" he told her.

"Great! Natalie and I will join you!" Macy chimed and walked away before Will could reply. Will shook his head.

"That girl will be the death of me" he groaned.

"Listen, Will. You really have to find a new fake girlfriend. I have a boyfriend, and John really won't be happy when he hears about this..." I ordered.

"Then don't tell John. I swear, I'll find one soon enough. Just not for a couple of days, please Anny. Macy has really been all over me lately. I'll look for another girl, I swear. But for now, please just don't say a thing to anyone. I'm begging you" he pleaded.

"Fine. But if you don't find a girl in 3 days, I'm 'breaking up' with you" I said putting emphasis on the breaking up. He held his pinky out. I raised an eyebrow at him, and linked it with mine. "Come on, we're gonna be late for first period, and you still have to show me where that is"


We made our way into history, then Will left to go to his English class. Luckily, Parker was in my history class. I gave a slip to the teacher, and he looked at it.

"Oh, so you're the new student. I'm Mr. Matthews. Here is your textbook. Take any free seat"

I spotted Parker and another girl, sitting down at the back. I took the seat at the end, beside the girl. She smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Chloe Jameson" she smiled and offered me her hand.

"Breanne O'Connor, but call me Anny" I returned the smile and took her hand.

"Alright, open your books to 125 please" Mr. Matthews instructed.


"Anny!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. I looked around, and spotted Chloe waving at me from down the hall. She ran to catch up with me. "Hey" she smiled out of breath, and continued walking beside me.

"Hey Chloe" I smiled back.

"So, how you liking the new school?" Chloe asked, making small talk.

"It's okay. I miss home though" I told her.

"Oh, where are you originally from?"

"Tempe. It's not far. But I miss my boyfriend and his family, and mine. Minus my father of course. Oh, and the band, and my other friend Christine" I explained.

"Oh, well that's not far from here. I've been there a couple of times. I've got a friend who lives down there. You have a band down there? And what did your father do?"

"Oh, that's cool. No, my boyfriend is in a indie rock band. As for my father, I rather not talk about it now. Eventually I'll get the guts and start to trust you enough to tell you, but it's just too soon right now"

"I completely understand. So when are you going to see your boyfriend again?"

"If you wanna get technical, probably on skype tonight. But as in person, I'm going to drive down for the weekend. It's kind of a surprise"

"Sounds fun. I'm sure he'll love it" Chloe smiled.


I pulled my floral pajama pants over my legs, and a plain white tank top over my head. I put my hair in a messy ponytail, and signed into skype. I clicked on John's username. A chat cae up, and I pressed the video button up at the top.

I saw him lying down on his bed, his hair messy, and in a white wifebeater. A grin took over his lips.

"Hi babe" I smiled.

"Hey Anne. How was your first day?"

"Good, I made a new friend. Her name is Chloe, other than her I've been hanging around with Will and Parker. Oh, and did I mention I've already made rivals too?"

"I'll take that as interesting" he chuckled. "Who are these rivals?"

"Parker's girlfriend Natalie, and her best friend Macy, who's trying to hook up with Will. They're not too fond of me" I explained.

"Don't worry about it. They're just jealous"

"What do they have to be jealous about, John" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Everything, your smart, beautiful, fun, and I can't live without you" he smirked. I blushed. "Jane Hooker has been all over me since you left, and now the only school friend I've got is Christine"

"Don't worry. I'll be coming to visit soon. Sooner than you think"


"Not that soon baby, I'm really tired. I'm gonna go. Text you in the morning" I told him and blew him a kiss.

"Night babe" John mumbled before logging off. I clicked sign out before closing my laptop. I crawled into bed, and pulled the sheets over me before falling into a deep slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chloe Jameson

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