Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It

John O'Callaghan Must Die.

The three of us sat on the O'Callaghan's couch watching a movie and sharing laughs waiting for the boys to show up for band practice. Once I moved out, John made my small bedroom his own, and his way bigger one, a room for his band, and his parents just couldn't stand the noise, so they moved to one of the rooms in the basement.

There was a knock on the door, and we could hear Kennedy, Pat, Jared, Time and Garrett laughing from the other side of the door.

"Come in!" John shouted from the couch. The boys walked in and made themselves comfortable.

Just then, Kennedy's eyes widened as he saw Chloe, Chloe looked over at him, and had the same reaction, and the jumped into each others arms.

"Chloe Jameson! What the hell are you doing in Tempe?" Kennedy grinned.

"I'm here with my new best friend, Anny O'Connor! I was gonna come to see you tomorrow, but I didn't have to do anything, you came to me" she smirked.

"This is crazy! You're friends with my bandmates girlfriend! Sweet! I have a feeling we're gonna being seeing each other more often! Fuck, I missed you" he told her pulling her into another hug. John and I smiled at the two friends uniting. The other boys came to hug me, and welcome me back.

"So, Chloe, Kennedy, care to explain what history you have with each other?" I asked.

"We were besties all throughout kindergarten to grade nine, then I moved to Scottsdale" she explained.

"Well, come on boys! Let's show these ladies what we've got!" John called, getting up, and pulling me up the stairs. "You're gonna love the new songs" I giggled. "Oh! And I'm getting this room soundproofed tomorrow! If I knew you were coming, I would've canceled, so we could have some alone time" he wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed, and shoved him playfully. He kissed me on the lips, and they started to set up, and tune their instruments.


The boys had finished band practice, and they'd just ordered a large pizza. In all honesty, they could probably eat two large pizzas if they wanted to. Chloe and the boys all rushed downstairs when they heard the doorbell ring, I was about to follow when John pulled my arm, and pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my head into his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder.

"I like this" he mumbled.

"Me too" I grinned. "We can do this all day tomorrow John, Chloe will be out with Kennedy, and we can have our alone time, but right now, let's eat" I giggled, pulling away, and bolting down the stairs, he followed and wrapped his arms behind me, picked me up, spun me around, and then put me down again. Both of us laughing. He took my hand and pulled out a chair for me. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Ew! Get a room!" Garrett called. "I mean, Anny, John, we love you both, but... EW!"

"Oh grow up! I think it's kinda cute!" Chloe protested. She gave Kennedy a look, curious to see who's side he was on.

"I dunno, I'm gonna have to side on with Garrett on this one Chloe" he chuckled and continued to down his pizza.


The next morning, I went out shopping with Chloe, since John was getting his band room sound proofed. I pulled up to the O'Callaghan residence and saw an unfamiliar silver vehicle where I was previously parked, along with a van with a business logo on it. I upped an eyebrow, and climbed out of my truck. I knocked on the door a few times, but no one answered. I shrugged, and turned the knob to see if the door was open. Surely enough, it was.

"John!" I called. No answer. "John, baby! I'm back!" Still no answer. Hmm, that room must be completely sound proofed by now. I thought to myself. I dashed upstairs, and opened the door to the band room, just a couple unfamiliar faces. Odd. I twisted the knob to John's bedroom, and saw something I never thought I'd see.

There was Jane and John sucking face on his bed. Tears spilled out of my eyes and I bolted down the stairs. I rushed Chloe to come quick, and once she saw my tear stained face, she didn't hesitate. I got into the truck quickly, and drove in the direction of Chloe and I's hotel. I was infuriated. My vision was blurred, and my driving was horrible.

"Anny, honey. I think I should take the wheel..." Chloe suggested. I shook my head no, and kept on driving. Minutes later, we got to the hotel. I didn't bother taking the elevator, I wanted to be fast, and we were only on the 3rd floor.

I shoved my keycard in the slot, and slammed the door open. I grabbed my suitcase from out of the closet, and starting shoving everything in sight into it. Chloe soon caught up, out of breath, she came over to me.

"Anny. Please tell me what's going on, you're scaring me" she frowned.

"He cheated. I saw it with my own two eyes, Chloe. He fucking cheated on me with the girl who has ruined my life for years. Not surprised, she always get what she wants" I told her. Right then and there, I broke down, my hands were shaking, and my legs were wobbling. I feel to the ground on my knees, and buried my face in my hands. Chloe bent down to my level, and started to rub my back. She hugged me.

"It'll be alright" she cooed. "I'll be right back" she weakly smiled. She pulled out her phone, and started to dial a number. She went to the bathroom where it was private, and started to wait for the person to pick up.

Even though she thought I couldn't hear her, I could hear her clearly. She was calling Kennedy, to tell him we were leaving in the morning after I got rest, and she needed help comforting me, and lifting me up onto the bed, since all I wanted to do was sit on the floor in a corner and cry my heart out.

"John O'Callaghan must die" Chloe smirked as she came out of the bathroom.

I could tell her evil side was showing.
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