Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It

I Only Want Her.

Kennedy had come to help comfort me that night, and apologized for his best friend/ band mate's behavior. The next morning Kennedy begged us to stay, and told us we could stay with him, and we wouldn't even had to look twice at John, but I believed it was best for me to go home, and Chloe told him that she had quite the bit of homework to catch up on. He thanked us for visiting and told us to come back soon, and we were on our way.

It was a rainy day, it's almost as if mother nature knew what I was feeling, and decided to make the weather the exact same as my mood.


I rushed into the Holiday Inn that Anne and Chloe had been staying at and went up to the front desk. "Have you seen a teenage girl about 5'6, blond hair?" I asked the man at the front desk. The bellboy beside him upped an eyebrow.

"Did she have a black truck?" he asked. I grinned.

"Yes" I replied.

"Sorry buddy, you're outta luck, you just missed her. I helped her carry and load her luggage into her truck" he told me. I frowned and nodded.

"Oh, um, okay thanks" I weakly smiled, and pushed the door open. I popped the hood of my jacket up to protect my head from the pouring rain and scratched my neck. I made my way to my car, I unlocked it and climbed into the driver's seat. I can't believe this. Jane came on to me, I tried to push her off, I just couldn't. Why in the world would I ever want to kiss Jane. The only girl I wanted was Breanne Bailey O'Connor, and no other.

I put the key in ignition and sped off into the streets of Tempe, going into the direction of my house.



After a two hour drive, we finally pulled up to the house, Chloe driving.

"Stay over tonight?" I asked her, she weakly smiled and nodded her head. We went to the bag, and unloaded our bags. I had only known Chloe a week, and it felt like I had known her forever. She was my best friend, my only girl friend, and I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't met her. We lugged our bags up to the door. I took my key out of my purse, and unlocked the door, I twisted the knob, and lifted my bag into the house.

My Aunt came over and gave me a startled look. "Anny! Chloe! You're home early. Oh my, you're soaking wet! Stay there, I'll get you a towel" she smiled weakly, and ran to the closet. She handed us each a towel. We kicked our shoes off, and towel dried our hair.

"So, what brings you home so soon?" she asked, as we took off our soaked coats.

"There was a situation in Tempe" I told her.

"Oh really? What kind of situation?" she raised an eyebrow at me. I just looked at her nervously.

"I'm gonna go change!" I bolted up the stairs, avoiding her topic, she shook her head at me as I shut the door to my room to change. I grabbed a Glamour Kills t-shirt, and a pair of sweatpants with my slippers. I sighed as my eyes landed on the picture of John and I that hung on my wall. I pulled it down, and put it in a shoe box with some of the other pictures, I couldn't stand to see his face right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short!
Thank you for reading!
Feedback is appreciated! : )

Anny's outfit