Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It

Meeting Noah & Nate.


I shut my locker, and slung my bag over my shoulder. I looked around the school, and spotted Will making his way through the crowded hallways and towards me.

"Hey Anny, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today at my house? Parker and Chloe said they couldn't. They're going to Chloe's house to do a project"

"Oh. Sure then, let's go. Chloe drove me here, so I'm gonna need a ride" I told him. He nodded and led me to his 2004 forest green jeep. I threw my bag in the backseat, he did the same with this back pack, and put the keys in ignition. He then drove in the direction of his house. We sat in silence, not an awkward silence, but more of a comfortable silence.

Soon, we pulled up to his average sized brick house. He opened my door for me, and I stepped out of the car slowly. We made our way over to his house. As soon as we stepped in, Will's twin brothers turned around and looked at us. They smiled smugly and pointed at us, making kissy faces.

"Ha! Will's got a girlfriend, Will's got a girlfriend!" they chanted. Will smacked each of them upside the head.

"Little shitheads" he mumbled under his breath. "Where's mom?" he asked them as they rubbed the spots on their heads where Will had smacked them.

"Not here" they groaned in pain. "She's at the grocery store" one of them announced. He nodded.

"Anny, meet my two pain in the ass brothers, Dumb, and Dumber" he teased. They rolled their eyes at him.

"We're Noah and Nate!" they chorused.

"I'm Nate" one said.

"And I'm Noah!" the other one smiled. I smiled up at Will.

"They seem pretty cute to me!" I told him.

"Yeah, when you don't have to live with them. They steal my bandannas and put my Mom's underwear in my sock drawer as a prank. On weekends, at midnight, they prank call me on my cell phone"he explained as he lead me to his room. I chuckled.

"Sounds like you've got quite a handful" he smiled down at me.

"Yeah, and on top of that, I've got you to take care of" he teased.

"I do not need to be taken care of!" I argued. "I am perfectly fine on me own. Trust me, I know very well how to defend myself" I smiled. He shook his head at me. He sat cross legged on his bed.

"What do you wanna do?" he asked me, bored. I looked around the room, looking for something to do, but found nothing. I shrugged at him. "Come on, let's go downstairs. I'm starved"

"Boys are always so damn hungry" I complained, and followed him down the steps. As soon as we got the kitchen, he pulled the fridge open, and his eyes traveled through it, looking for something good to eat. He closed the fridge, unsuccessful.

"Boys!" he called to his brothers, playing in the living room. The jumped, and turned to look at him. "Make me and Anny sandwhiches!"

"No way Will!" Noah shouted.

"Yeah, make your own food!" Nate called back.

"I'll give you five bucks each" Will bribed them. Huge grins spread across their faces. They dropped the toys helicopters they were playing with and ran to the kitchen. They stood before him, waiting for him to give them an order. "White bread, I'll have chicken, lettuce, mayo and mustard on mine" he smiled.

"And for the lady?" their high pitched, but cute voices chorused.

"You guys really don't have to" I told them, feeling bad, but amused at the same time.

"It's okay. He's paying us" Noah assured me.

"In that case, I'll have a BLT" I smiled. Will tugged on my hand and before going up the stairs, he called back to his brothers.

"Call us when they're done!"

"I can't believe you make your 8 year old, twin brothers do that for you!" I scolded him,

"Hey, it's a win-win situation. I fill their pockets with money, they fill my stomach with food" he smirked, as he plopped back down onto his bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, it's sort of short and a filler.
This will be my last update before Sunday.
My grad's tomorrow. I'm stoooked.
Thanks for reading!
Feedback is appreciated. : )