Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It

Planning Anny's Birthday


I was having my own little jam session in my room. In a way, it was practicing for the upcoming gig we had. My phone suddenly started to buzz, and shake, making it slide across the night stand. I picked it up and looked at caller I.D. It was Chloe. Weird, cause we don't talk much. Must be important. Uh oh, maybe something happened to Anny.

"Chloe? What's wrong?" I asked her concerned. She giggled.

"Yes John. Calm down, nothing's wrong. Parker, Will and I just need you to do us a favor. I guess you could say it's a favor for Anny too. Anyways, we were hoping that you and your band would play and the birthday bash we're throwing Anny on the weekend of her birthday. It was Parker's idea. She hasn't had a real birthday party in a while, or for that matter, a real good one. So, what about it?"

"Of course I will Chloe. If you want, I could even help you plan it. I wouldn't mind taking some credit for throwing Anny an awesome party" I replied smugly. She playfully scoffed.

"Well, I guess you could. Just come down to Scottsdale whatever days you can. Maybe we'll even come down to Tempe. But whatever you do, do not, and I repeat do not tell Anny" she warned me.

"I promise I won't" I rolled my eyes.

"Good. When do you think you'll be able to come down next?" she asked me.

"Probably on Thursday" I told her.

"Alright, sounds good. I have to go. Talk to you later John!" she replied and hung up. I clicked the off button, and then started to dial Kennedy's number.

"John, sup?" he greeted me.

"We're playing at Anny's birthday in Scottsdale in a month" I grinned.

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah, and apparently it's gonna be big. She's gotten popular at her new school, which means more people, which means are music will be better known! Plus, I get to spend time with my girlfriend who I haven't seen in about 2 weeks! I'm so stoked man!"


Will and I had done everything. We went for ice cream, we went to the park, we played COD, and now we were exhausted. He sighed and took his phone out of his pocket.

"I'll be right back" he said with a weak smile and dialed a number into his phone. I talked to the twins for a while. They weren't as bad as Will made them out to be. They were actually pretty cute, minus the pranks.

Moments later, Will came back into the room.

"Hey you two! Leave her alone! Go play with your Jonas Brother Barbie Dolls or something!" he told them, shooing them away from me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. "I'm sorry that you think my brothers are cute. If you knew them the way I do, you'd hate them too"

"Oh, really?"

"Really" he replied and plopped down on the couch. He threw his feet over the coffee table, when the door opened to a lady struggling to carry grocery bags. My eye widened as I saw her almost trip and I rushed over to help her. I took a big brown bag and set it on the kitchen counter. She looked at me oddly.

"Will. Who's your friend?" she asked. She looked over at Will. "Get your damn feet off your grandmother's old antique coffee table Will!" she scolded him. He rolled his eyes.

"Mom, this is Anny. A girl from school, she's Parker's cousin. She just moved here a month ago" he told her. As her mouth formed the shape of an 'O' and she went to speak, Will interrupted her. "Oh, and Mom. Before you embarrass us, and tell me I should date her, you should know that she has a boyfriend"

Will's mother smiled at me "Hi, I'm Denise. Welcome to our home. I hope the boys weren't too much of a hand full" she then turned to her son "Oh, and Will. I would never wish something so horrible as a young, beautiful girl, to date a sloppy, rude boy like you" she smiled at him.

"Don't try to act so cool around my friends, Mom. You're really not" he said, coming over to the kitchen, and taking the chips out of a bag. He opened the, and put his hand in the bag, taking bunches of chips in and out and tossing them into his mouth.

"Would you stop eating all that junk food and help me put the groceries away? And if you don't want to do that, then at least go upstairs and check on your brothers!" she scolded him again. He sighed and tossed the groceries into the fridge and freezer.

It was easy to see that Will's mom was one of the Mom's who let their child take care of themselves, and didn't care about simple things like swearing. But still cared about them very much. Will and his Mom had a very open relationship. Something I would've wanted with my own mother.
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Thanks for reading!
Feedback is appreciated
Only three more chapters left.
There will most likely be a sequel.
-Kennedy : )