Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It

Hanging With John

"So, I was thinking Friday we could go to the mall?" I asked Chloe.

"Um, I can't. I'm... going car shopping with my parents. They're thinking of getting me a new one for my birthday, and they want to know what I like"

"Chloe, your birthday isn't for another 7 months" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "I'll talk to you later, I'm dying of starvation. Bye" I lied and hung up. What a lame excuse, I know they're up to something. WIll, Parker, Chloe, and even John, Pat, Jared, Kennedy and Garrett. I slammed open the door to Parker's room and he jumped. He looked at me with confusion.

"What's your problem?" he asked. I gave him a look.

"I know something is up. And it all started when I saw you talking to Chloe and Will. It's even dragged on to Tempe. So I dunno what you did, but you better tell me"

"Okay, but stop screaming. You're gonna wake up my little sister, and mom will get pissed" he scolded me.

"Okay, I'm calm. Now. What's going on with you guys?" I asked him, taking a seat on the bed.

"We're uh...hey. I'm starving. What do you say we get a snack? Mom just went grocery shopping the other day, so we've got tons" I rolled my eyes at his attempt to change the subject.

"Hmm, sorry, my mind is still on something else" I glared at him. He looked at me, confused and put on the spot.

"Uh, just give me a second. I need to make a call" he told me running into the living room, and picking up the house phone. I shook my head at him, and went back up to my room. He wins I thought to myself.


I twitched as I felt someone watching me over my bed, but I didn't dare open my eyes, instead, I turned on my side. The familiar voice chuckled, and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled and opened my eyes, it was John. I stretched my arms and sat up, returning the smile.

"Hi" was all he said as I took in my surroundings and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I waved.

"Hello" I replied sitting comfortably on my bed. I kissed the corner of his lips and pulled away to look at the clock. My eyes widened at the time, when I saw the digital green numbers forming 12:18. "Did I really sleep in that late?"

"You did" he laughed and started to play with my hair. "But if you go get dressed, I'll take you out for break- I mean, lunch and then we can go do something fun afterwards?"

"That'd be great" I grinned and pushed the blankets off of me. I grabbed a towel, and made my way to the bathroom, I closed the door behind me, and stripped down. I turned the water on, making it hot and steaming, just the way I liked it, and jumped in. I jumped as the water hit my body, but I soon got used to it. I shampooed, conditioned, soaped and shaved, then I was out.

I wiped myself down with the towel, then wrapped it around my body. I went back into my room, where John was no longer sitting, but I could hear that the TV downstairs was now on. I closed the door, and picked some purple undies out of my underwear drawer, I put on a white bra, and then picked out an outfit from my closet.

I put on a Mickey and Minney Mouse tank top with stripes on it, denim shorts and a pair of black Roxy flip-flops. I put on some colorful bracelets, applied some eye shadow, eye liner and mascara, then swiped on some lip gloss. I grabbed a grey cardigan and bolted down the stairs to meet John. He turned around, seeing me at the stairs and grinned.

"You look great. Ready to go?" he asked me, turning off the TV and getting up. He took my hand in his and I nodded, and he opened the passenger door to his car. I smiled as he helped me in. He got in, and put the key in ignition. He pressed the power button to the radio, then pressed CD. Just as I predicted, Third Eye Blind came pouring out of the speakers, along with Jimmy Eat World, we sang the whole car ride, until we pulled up to a McDonald's.

I chuckled at his choice of food. "Not the most romantic place to take your girlfriend to lunch, but I was craving a Big Mac" he chuckled. I nodded, and unbuckled my seat belt. I hopped out of the car and took his hand as we met at the sidewalk. We walked in, and went over to the cash register. I ordered a McChicken, while he ordered his Big Mac.

"Go find a seat babe, I'll get our food" he told me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and nodded at him, easily finding a spot for two. I started to get condiments and brought them to the table. He brought everything to the table. "So, where would you like to go next?" he asked me, sitting and opening the small box that held his burger. I shrugged.

"I dunno" I replied. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked politely. He smirked at me, almost as if a light bulb appeared above his head.

"I think I've got a place" he grinned smugly at me. I quipped an eyebrow at him. He just chuckled, and dug back into his food.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
Sorry for lack of updates with everything.
It's summer, and I've been busy!
So, my apologies.
Anny's outfit