Status: Finished!

Bet You Didn't Expect It


"Honey, that was Social Services calling. They said they don't know how much longer they can allow you to stay here for. Now, of course you know that I wouldn't mind if you stayed here forever. You're a wonderful girl. But they wanted to know if you have any more family you know about?"

"Well, I have an aunt and some cousins in Scottsdale, from my moms side. But I was never too close with them. I'm not a very social person"

"I see. Do you happen to know their last name?"

"Moore, I think it was. My aunt's first name is Emily." I told her.

"Okay hun, you're not going away just yet. I'll have to tell social services, but for now just hold tight. They said if we find family, it'll at least take them a couple months to get everything done, and you into your new home?"

"You mean, I'd live with them?" My eyes lit up. I'd have a new family, and I'd remember what it was like to be in a family. Because truthfully, I couldn't anymore. Except of course, just yesterday, when the O'Callaghans had taken me in.

"Yes, you'd live with them" she smiled at my excited expression. Your Aunt and Uncle would be your legal guardians. It's also your choice to stay there after your eighteen or leave and go any place you want as a legal adult. I smiled.

"I don't think I can wait for months anymore" I told Mrs. O'Callaghan. She chuckled.

"I'm glad you took this so well. Don't worry, I'm sure time will fly by" she nodded. I smiled and ran upstairs.

"John! John!" I shouted, I opened the door to his room, and jumped on his bed, pulling him into a hug.

"Whoa!" he called at this surprised. He laughed a bit. "What's up?" he smiled. "I take it what my mom told you was good news?" I nodded.

"Very good news! John! I'll finally have a real home!" I chimed.

"Really?! That's great Anne! Where?" he asked.

"In Scottsdale! With my Aunt, Uncle and cousins! It'll be great! In just a couple months, I'll finally remember what it's like to be in my family! Not that your family hasn't made me feel like family, but you know, a person in my family!" I rambled on.

"Wait. Your moving all the way to Scottsdale?" he frowned. This made me frown too.

"What's wrong with Scottsdale? I thought you'd be happy for me, John."

"No, I am, it's just that Scottsdale is far away from Tempe. It'd be hard for us to keep in touch, and you're the only real person at school"

"I'll call you, and I'll email you, and I'll do whatever it takes to stay in touch with you. You're my only friend John. I don't want to lose you"

"I don't want to lose you either" he replied.

"I'm gonna go do homework, see you later" I said and walked out of his room. I grabbed my backpack from downstairs, and made my way to the guest room. I unzipped my backpack, and started on math.

John's POV

She's moving? She can't move. It's like the more I get to know her, the more I like her. She's such a down to earth girl. All there was at school was fake preppy girls, and cheerleaders, and the stupid jocks that went right with them.

Everyone had a clique which they stuck to. Many people offered to make friends with me, but I chose to just stay with Anne.

What would I do once she left? When is she leaving? How do I know I'll ever see her again? I sighed and grabbed my backpack.