If I Woke Up Next To You

Flight or Fight

As if in a dream:

My mind is racing, thoughts aligning, but nothing is making sense. My legs are numb with fear but I can't stop running, tears are flowing down my face and I feel completely lost.
How did I get to this state of stress? I'll tell you, pressure...Insecurity...I can't trust anyone anymore.There are things I can't change, and things I can't fight through, at least not alone...not this way.
So I'm running and I'm smearing my make-up trying to wipe the endless tears when, as if I'm completely retarded, I collide...with him.

At the time, I had no idea who the him was. Just forever grateful for what he did, after I had slammed into him, we stayed in each others arms, then he looked up from my eyes -looking at something- whatever it was, pushed me behind him with one of his awkwardly large hands, and faced the darkness.

Whatever had been chasing me, was in the darkness and was determined to drown me in the shadows, but it stopped. The him that was protecting me, was staring into it with a scowling smile, not the least bit intimidated by it. And to my relief, the darkness had stopped coming and everything turned to a calming twilight. He pulled me out from behind him and looked at me, mesmerized, into my eyes. His were a peircing bluish-green that seemed to erase the world around us and only leaving our minds in captive.

I couldn't breathe, move, or even think for that matter, he had me in his hold. His cool, large hands holding my arms around him, and his eyes locked, as if they belonged there, on me. He laughed a soft but rib cutting laugh as I realized I hadn't taken a breath ever since we collided. Embarrassed, I stepped away and began to leave, I didn't know him and it was improper to be in that situation with someone I didn't even know the name of, although something inside me was screaming at me to go back to him...to feel safe again...to not care, but I didn't obey.

I heard a smoothly deep voice call behind me, it sounded as if he called me by my name, but I was already out of earshot and apparently awake.