Edward & Kristen

My sister


I was sitting down at the Cullen's table, which was ironic because they probably never used it due to the fact they dont eat...

I could hear Edward mumbling in his smooth voice on the phone to my sister who was probably about ready to rip his head of by now knowing he'd actually gone through with the whole biting me & turning me into a vampire thing, she didnt believe in all that even for love..I think shes just bitter because she doesnt love anyone.

Edward was pacing back and forth in the kitchen then flipped his phone shut and came back to the table where they all surrounded me.

Alice was sitting next to me holding my hand. "Evelyns on her way, I told her not to worry and that you're fine but she insisted on coming over here.." Edward told us all softly.

"UGHH, why does she have to make everything SO dramatic!?" I rolled my eyes.

"Runs in the family.." Rosalie mumbled under her breathe with a sly smile.

Edward gave her a sharp glare and Emmett snickered.

Rosalie hates my sister because shes the prettiest human to the vampires in our town, and Emmetts always had a huge crush on her, therefore Rosalie storms off whenever shes over (which is rarely)

About eight minutes later the door is being thrown open and my sister comes charging in..I give her props, charging into a household of vampires isn't something you'd wanna chance everyday but she really doesnt give two sh*ts about making them angry.

Carlisle and Esme dissapeared and Alice & Jasper ran upstairs to comfort Rosalie who was bitching about Evelyn on her way up.

Evelyn stormed in and started yelling "I can't believe you let this romantic freak do this to you!"

She came over keys in her left hand and her right hand free, which she used to tossel my neck.

She pushed my head to the side and looked to see if there was a mark. Nothing.

"Okay so..is this some kind of joke?

I was in the middle of a freakin' Real World Cancun marathon and you call me for-" Edward cut her off "With all do respect you were so mad you wouldn't let me explain over the phone so.." he trailed off.

She stared at Emmett who smiled brightly and gave her a wink. I tried not to laugh and watched her shiver, she was never a vampire kinda girl she liked the rough but sorta clean-cut handy hot guys with 6 packs.

Edward, Emmett and Jasper all had 6 packs but they were stone cold and they all were just romanic fictional characters at heart.

But she knew he was right so she sat down and waited.

"Alright so go ahead...what happened?"

We explained the story to her but I basically let Edward do the talking while I watched her facial expressions and listened.

However I looked up because Edward stopped talking in the middle and stared at the door.

"What?" I panicked. He called Carlisle and he was next to Edward in no time, they both stared at the door and finally Carlisle walked over to it.

He opened the door and Jacob was standing there.

Jacob was my bestfriend and I knew he'd be furious about me trying to become a "blodd sucker".

"Hello Jacob.." Carlisle said. Jacob nodded and asked to come in.

"Of course," Carlisle said respectively but still had a protective kind of tone in his voice.

"What do you want Jacob?" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes knowing what was coming next.

"I can't believe you actually thought you could get away with it.." he started.

"Jacob save it shes already had a ruff night she doesnt need anymore lectures." Edward said protectively.

"Psh she needs every lecture she can get!" my sister said. So much for family first.

"Yeah!" Jacob added. "I don't know what the hell you were thinking!" he yelled at me.

"Jacob how'd you even find out about it?" I asked suspiciously. Evelyn looked over at him and shot him a you better not tell her look"

"Er- I- uhh..your sister called me." he panicked.

"THANK YOU EVELYN!" I yelled sarcastically throwing my hands up.


She looked down, then around then at Jacob and stormed out. "DAMNN...." we all turned around to stare at Emmett.

"Your sisters hot even when she cries!" he boomed.

"What'd you say?" Jacob said. We all stared at both of them now.

Jacob walked over to Emmett. Emmett was about 10 times bigger than Jacob but Jacob was tall..either way they both could've beat the living sh*t out of eachother right there & then but instead Carlisle & Edward broke it up.

Edward calmed Emmett while Carlisle walked Jacob to the door.

"Maybe you should go talk to her.." Carlisle added softly to Jacob as he stormed out the front door.

"Yeah whatever." Jacob mumbled.