

According to the Florida Department of Corrections, more than one hundred people have registered on a waiting list to see an execution.

Florida doesn't know all those people are lined up to see mine.

I don't deny what I've done. There's proof for everything. They just don't know my side of the story yet. I doubt I'll get a chance to tell them any time soon. I mean, this whole shenanigan has me locked up in here for a while, so I might as well get comfortable.

"You sit here and think about what you've done." they say, as if there's something else that's on my mind.

Just in the past six months, I've gained both support and radical enemies. My supporters call themselves Pro-Margerets, and of course, the enemies call themselves Pro-Deaths. My lawyer says the only reason I have support is because of my young age, and my aura of innocence that "surrounds" me in my pictures, videos, and the trials that have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people on the other side.

If everything goes as planned for the Pro-Deaths, my execution will take place at 5:00 p.m., on January 5th. That leaves me less than a month. Whether I should fight or not is not up to me, it's up to everybody else who's either known me or have seen me on TV. I've heard my friends and classmates are getting involved. Stories have been printed and shown to me of rally's, protests, strikes, marches, both against and for my death.

Then there's the aspect of my future that scares me even more than death itself, and that's the long list of people signed up to witness the moment my heart stops beating.