

I was tired, and I had ruined everything good I had left in this world. I thought of this as I sat in the witness stand and watched people trickling back into the room. Trenton had fallen asleep against grandma's shoulder, and the lawyer had composed himself and regained his tough act.

I took a deep breath and looked at the judge. "May I say something?"

"I suppose so. Mr. Brown, please take a seat." He obeyed, half pleased that he didn't have to ask anymore questions.

Yellow, swinging lights hung overhead, and the dark wood shined underneath my palms. I leaned forward into the microphone.

"I know most of you think I'm guilty. And from those people, half of you think I should suffer the death penalty, and the other half think I shouldn't, just because I'm young."

People shuffled in their sits.

"I don't think youth should be an excuse for me not to suffer if I've done these things. I mean, I don't think I should be killed for defending my mother, and I do regret hurting Trenton, but I can't deny that I saved his life as well. As for the train wreck...I take full blame for that. I killed innocent people because I wanted to take my life."

A few from the crowed agreed with me, and I continued.

"Those who have friends or family that died from the crash probably wish I had died along with it. And if it hadn't been for Mr. Rennel's, I would have. It was a series of unfortunate events, however. It just so happened I decided to kill myself on that bridge that day, instead of with a gun or with a noose."

The judge cleared her throat, "Where are you going with this Ms. Little?"

I took a long look at my friends, my supporters, my enemies, the jury, and lastly, grandma and Trenton.

"Like I paid for the ride home, I think it's time for me to pay for the troubles I caused. I'm guilty of first degree muder, willfully causing a train wreck, and kidnapping a child and injuring them. All of these acts are punishable by the death penalty."

The judge looked down at me in shock, and the jury, along with everybody else whispered to eachother at what I had just said. My lawyer placed his head in his hands and I was led out of the courtroom.