

April 17; CA

The tiles blended into eachother the longer I stared at them. The sun was blinding and burning, and the constant sounds of trains close by rang through my ears. Old reruns of cartoons mesmerized my little brother as he sat before the television now, and my mom ran around the kitchen setting flowers in specific places and dusting off the countertops.

Dad was on his way to take me and Trenton to DisneyLand.

Ever since the divorce, my dad shows up less and less. He used to tell me it's because mom keeps driving him away, although we both know she misses him even more than when they were married. I know he loves me and Trenton though. The way he lifted mom up with his huge grin when she told us she was having another baby proved that.

"Margeret, please go put something else on, I don't want you dressing like a clown."

I looked down at my rainbow colored hippi shirt that hung off my body like a dress. Dad had brought it for me last time he visited in September. He said it was the only size left. I just smiled and told him I could wear it later on when I got pregnant.

I opened my closet door and stared at the few selections I had. A doorbell signaled me to choose quickly and I went with a plain black t-shirt and jeans. The doorbell sounded again and I pulled the shirt over my head and ran out of the room.

"Dad!" I ran and hugged him. He hesitatantly hugged back. I looked up at him. Bags hung under his eyes, his hair was messy, and his clothes were stained with wretched smelling alchohol.

"Tom?" My mothers voice broke the silence of my gaze. She brought in a "Welcome Home" cake with a shocked look on her face.

"Hello, Lisa." His voice slurred, and he broke away from me and stepped closer to her. "I sure miss you."

"You get away from me Thomas Ritter. You're drunk." She stepped back and put the cake on the coffee table. "You don't show up for seven months until now, and you're drunk? What kind of father are you?"

He looked down at his feet. "I was nervous about seeing you."

Mom backed away more, and Dad stepped even closer. "I want you to leave now." Her voice was shaking, and she clutched the wall with fear.

"I can't do that, Lisa." He took her wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head, kissing her violently. She kicked with her legs, but Dad was stronger. He grabbed her waist and threw her onto the ground, taking off her skirt with the other hand.

I whispered to Trenton, "Trenton, go to your room." He broke his stare from mom and dad and left. I started to follow when Dad turned to me. "Margeret, you stay and watch me make love to your mother like we used to."

Mom screamed and tears poured from her eyes. I stood frozen in place as this man I call my Dad dropped his pants and entered my mother against her will. Every few thrusts, my dad would hit mom, causing her to groan and lose control even more than she already had. She had lost her voice, and I stood there watching. She was now bleeding and bruised in several places, she was limp, the only sounds were soft moans as my dad continued to thrust and beat her.

Then I saw the knife sticking up from the side of my mother's welcome home cake that was sitting in front of me. Without a second thought I pulled the shiny object from the dessert and rushed to Dad's naked body, pushing the knife through his sweaty back and watching him fall to the floor beside my dead mother.