

I spent the fifteen minutes putting clothes back on to my parents. Their mangled bodies disgusted me, and I didn't want Trenton to see them in this state. Mrs. Lanson, our next door neighbor, had heard my mother's screaming and called the police, so I rushed behind the house to avoid any questioning and to catch my breath.

When the police got there, I was sitting against the house under the living room window. They found Trenton in his bedroom watching more cartoons, and they brought him into the living room where two of my parents lay motionless in a puddle of their blood.

"Trenton? That's a nice name. Do you know what happened?"

He shifted his eyes to the scene, and smiled. "Daddy came home today! He said he missed mom and he was going to make love to her. And Margeret didn't like it."

"Who's Margeret?"

"My sissy. She made me leave the room. After that all I heard was hitting and stuff."

Two of the policemen looked at eachother, and the one who questioned Trenton spoke my name into his radio.

Crime Punishable by Death Penalty: First Degree Murder.