
The Sacred Burning

Phew, that was really crazy, I mean Dylan throwing condiments at that very very angry man and Kiresten driving on a four way without her eyes on the road and and and oh my lawd, Audrianna's wicked pissy lil black girl attitude!

And she's not even black!

We are now in Kiresten and Dylan's backyard of exotic paradise and I think..I think..

I hear chanting.

It sounds very very disturbing.

We must get closer.

Now, allow me to pave the way to Ze Sacred Burning of Ex-Boyfriend Thomas's Bedazzled Ed Hardy Teeshirt.

"How did I even get here?"
Kiresten sobbed, sitting in a hammock, strung up by orange trees surrounded by devious looking creatures with colored fingermarks on their faces.

One cooed, "We have to." and a very angry creature stamped her bare feet twice in the pile of lava stones surrounding the bonfire, her teeth bared to make the message across.

"Hurry. It is two minutes and thirty seven seconds before 7," a deep voice urged them on, picking the poor, defenseless bedazzled Ed Hardy shirt, property of ex boyfriend Thomas in the air like Simba.

Wait..I hear a waterfall..

what the fuck, Kiresten has a waterfall in her backyard?


The bonfire roared as a match was tossed in, igniting the chopped and screwed wood pile, casting an orange glow surrounding the bonfire.

Ah, now I can see better.

"One minute and forty seven seconds!" Nathan bellowed, being the inner adorable cutesy nerd self.

"NO!" Kiresten shrieked, jumping up from the hammock but got entangled in it, and flipped the hammock over onto the cobblestone.

Eek, that's a fall..

"Fuck." She murmured, and Dylan (?) hurried over to her, wearing a black ski mask with bright neoniac teal paint spattered on it and wearing all black clothing's.

"You okay, Keesh?" she asked, offering a hand towards her but Kiresten angrily shoved the helping hand and spat "Fucking hammock! Fuck fuck fuck-"

"Kiresten! Are you okay or you gonna sit there babbling like an angry baby?" Bryce snapped, marching right over to the possibly rabid "angry baby" and hoisted her up from the cobblestone onto her feet.

Holy, you can even see his bulging muscles in the night...mmm, I'd kill to have those around me.

"I cannot watch this. At all." Kiresten shook her beachy golden waves and proceeded to loop her way out of Bryce's so called Death Grip and sauntered over to the patio doors, smoothing out her destroyed from wearing so much Hudson cut off shorts.

The very cold, cruel trio lined up against Kiersten, blocking her access to the house.

She looked from left to right.

And threw her hands up in the air.

With one kick, she sprung into a swift front walkover round-off back handspring tuck.

Dang that was the most perfect front walkover, round-off and a back handspring tuck!

Where the hell she get them skills from?

She smirked when she threw those hands up in the air, strutting from side to side like a prized gymnast winning the gold medal at the Olympics and...she opened the backdoor..

slammed the door....

and flipped the lock on.

"FUCK! WE'RE LOCKED OUT!" Bryce panicked, sneering at Kiresten's happy dance in the window.

Oh what a show, you stupid bitch, you locked all of us out and we don't have food!

"No, no no no we're not," Dylan smirked, and lifted up a terra cotta pot full of blue roses she has been loving since '08 with Miracle Gro soil, water and LOVE, pure 100% concentrated LOVE.

A key gleamed in the moonlight, ever so bright, it was like an angel smiling upon me, bestowing a wonderful gift upon us, erm I mean them, since..I'm not included in this...

But still, it's a glorious moment meant to be adsorbed and shared to my viewers of them all, BROUHAHA!

"Haaaaaaalllllllllllllllliiiiiiiuuuuuugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Nathan opera style sang, snatching the key away from Dylan's cupped hands and kissing it numerous of times but to be bitch slapped North, South, East, West by Bryce who simply said "It's Hallelujah, you moron."

Oh the love I feel here.

Now unlock that damn door and let me in or I'll huff and I'll huff and puff your house away!

...I said it right, right?


This is very strange, I have not heard any sounds from Audrianna, the bitch queen at all..
very very suspicious activity.
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Small chapter, but I thought this story deserved an update.