A Beast in Repose

Leave Me Alone

Frank's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I stood up, trying to look into his eyes. He stares at the ceiling refusing to look at me. "Answer me you dumbass! Why the fuck did you do that for?!"

I was mad, so fucking mad. How could he? Why? Why did he have to do that in front of all those people?!

"Leave me alone..." Was all I heard coming out from his mouth.


"You heard me, leave me the FUCK alone Iero" He said calling me by my last name. I froze feeling my heart stop, he called me by my last name?

"What the hell is going Gerard?!" I screamed in the middle of the room. We were alone, the rest of the band were eating something at the cafeteria. "Why did you do that on stage? There were people recording the entire thing! It was a LIVE show goddammit! Millions of people were watching it over the fucking internet!!" I screamed again, not being able to contempt myself.

"What part of ‘LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE’ don’t you get?" His voice was cold, his eyes still on the ceiling.

He sat up on the bed of the hotel room, avoiding my eyes, grabbing a cigarette from his jacket and lighting it up.

I stood there not knowing what to do. Tears were threatening in my eyes and my bottom lip started shacking.
Why was Gee acting like this? I'm his fucking boyfriend! Why is he treating me like this? What did I do to deserve this?

"Gee..." I whispered, sitting on the bed beside him. "Please... W-What did I do?" I stuttered, I always stutter when I'm nervous, I can't help it. It has been a fucking problem since I was a teenager.

"Why did you hit me on stage? Why did you reject me when I was about to hug you? When I was about to kiss you?" I asked again. He dragged his cigarette again, he wasn't even listening!

I started crying, and fell to the floor, kneeling in front of him.

"I know what you did Frankie," He finally said. "I'm not an idiot, you know?" he stood up taking a few steps, he got on his knees and took my face with one of his hands. One of his soft hands.

The smell of cigarette came straight to my nose. And also the smell of alcohol...
Oh my god...

"Gerard... h-have you b-been drinking?" I asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

I was so fucking scared, this couldn't be happening. Gerard quit alcohol almost three years ago! Why the hell does he smell like vodka and beer?

"What do you care you fucking pansy?!" He screamed slapping my face. "You motherfucker tease... always teasing me on stage, giving the stupid fans a show they don't fucking need! Never giving me what I need when we're alone!" He screamed again.

He grabbed me by the neck and threw me on the bed with a strength I didn't know he had.

"Gee what the h-hell are you talking a-about?" The tears were still coming down from my face, I could feel my cheeks wet and my eyes were starting to hurt. "It's me, Frankie... y-your Frankie, your boyfriend!" I yelled at him, feeling helpless.

"I saw you Frankieeeeeee..." He screamed standing out the last part of my name.

Oh please god let the guys come here, please... let Mikey, Ray or Bob hear the noise. Let them come to save me. Mikey... Mikey come and save me!

"I saw you with him!" He screamed again, his eyes staring over me with rage "You filthy whore. I FUCKING SAW YOU!" He was angry, it was the first time I’ve seen him like this since he quit booze.

He used to have anxiety attacks all the time.
He used to scream and hit people 'cause he wanted more cocaine.
Once he beat up Mikey and me 'cause we didn't let him get near the alcohol he had in his fridge.

He stop doing that after we got together, after he asked me to be his boyfriend, after Mikey hooked up with Alicia.
He quit drugs and alcohol when Mikey didn't talk to him in a month, and I refuse to get near him on stage.

He realize we were more important than those fucking addictions.

"W-what are you t-talking about?" I cried harder, feeling the weigh of his body on top of me. He stroked my hair a few times, and touched lightly my chest under my t-shirt.

"Aww... don't make a fool of me Frank baby" He caressed my cheek softly, and just for one moment I though that everything was going to be okay. Just for one second I though that it was all a nightmare. "I saw you with Mikey backstage..." At that moment I froze, cold sweat mixing up with the salty tears on my face.

"Does my brother sucks you better than me?!" He yelled and slapped me again across the face. I could feel my skin burning from the hit. "You're a fucking SLUT Frankie!" He screamed hitting me on my stomach and taking away my shirt.

Oh my god, he's gonna rape me. He's taking my pants off.

"Mmmmm... no boxers?" He whispered in my ear “You're so kinky sweetie" He said before kissing me roughly. All I could do was close my eyes and wait...

What else could I do? This is my fucking boyfriend, and yeah, I know... I'm a fucking slut, I do deserve this, so bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Edit : Thanks to Guava-Ninja who helped me editing this chapter and fixing the mistake. Much love to her <33333
I also added the POV on every chapter >w<
*Re Edit: I added some things and re wrote some parts.