A Beast in Repose

You're a ***ing Liar

Mikey's POV

A smile showed in my lips when Frank kissed me softly.
“This was… this was amazing,” he said whispering in my ear. “You’re wonderful.” He whispered again getting dressed.

“Can you get me a cup of coffee?” I told him covering my naked body with the sheets. Yes, I was naked. And yes, I had sex with Frank.
The one man I shouldn’t be having sex with.

Several reasons.

First of all, is his fucking fault Gerard is high and drunk and sleeping in the room next to this.
Okay, it’s not his entire fault. I… I gave him a blow job before a concert and Gerard saw us.
And I’m pretty sure Gee wasn’t happy to see his boyfriend moaning for his brother’s touch.

Second, I don’t love him. Okay, I might like him… A bit. But I don’t love him. It’s not him the one I want. It’s Gerard.
I want Gerard for me, not Frankie.

I could keep going, but fuck I’m tired…

“Yeah babe, I’ll bring you some coffee.” Frank leaned to kiss me again. “I was going to the cafeteria anyways to get some candies and coffee for me.”

I smiled again looking at the ceiling. Is this a bad thing? Is it a bad thing that enjoyed having sex with Frank? That I liked every moment of it?
Is it a bad thing that Frank wants to be my Gerard?
I don’t know, I wish I knew the answer to all those questions. The only thing I know is that Gee can’t find about this.
He can’t know that Frank cheated on him with me again.

“Frankie…” I whispered before he left the room. “This, what happened…”

“Yeah?” he stopped looking at me.

“Gerard can’t know about this,” I said feeling the guilt eating my guts. With those last words I was accepting having an ‘affair’ with Frank. I was accepting to fool my brother.

“I know.” Was the only thing he said before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
I stayed there, waiting for him. I didn’t even turn on the television, too lazy to get the control remote or even to get up and lock the door.

Five minutes after Frank left, the door opened.
I thought he left something over or forgot to take something with him, maybe his wallet, so I started calling his name. No answer came but I could hear someone was still on the door.

“Hey baby, did you forget something?” I asked, not sure if it was him.

“I forgot that my brother was a fucking bitch.”
The figure that appeared in front of me froze me to death and my bottom lip started shaking.

“Gee?” I whispered when I saw my brother’s face and the anger that showed. “I-I… Weren’t you… I t-thought…”

“Shut the fuck up Mikey, I don’t wanna hear any of your pathetic explanations. I can understand quite well what happened.” He said moving near to me.

“Gee, please, let me…” he cut my words off with a single slap that hit me across the face. I placed my right hand on my cheek feeling my skin burn.

“I said shut the fuck up.” He sat on the bed facing me with a sick smile on his face. “I see you had a great time fucking my boyfriend.” His hands traveled on my chest and stopped where the sheets covered my manhood. A groan escaped involuntary from my lips and Gerard smiled again.

“I don’t know why I have the feeling that you didn’t enjoy it that much.” His hands kept going down, stopping on my crotch without moving them. “Isn’t that right Mikey boy?” Gee asked seductively making me shudder.

“Gerard, stop it… I-I…” I didn’t know what to say. How was I supposed to confront him about the drug thing? “I know you were drinking,” was the only thing that I said and Gerard looked at me angrily again.

“What do you care if I drank a bit?” he yelled at me. “It’s my fucking problem if I decide to drink again!”

“Fuck, you can’t say that!” I screamed taking his hands off my legs. “You’re gonna kill yourself if you start drinking again! You’re gonna die if you start using drugs again!” Tears, that Frankie stopped when he took me in his hands, were treating to come down again. “You can’t do that! What about your family? Your friends? What about me?!”

“What about you?” he grabbed me by my wrists lying on top of me. “You’re a fucking liar Mikey, you say you care about me, but all you care is your own fucking pleasure!” Gerard was mad, but he was sober. I could see it in his eyes that he was no longer under the influence of any substance. “You wouldn’t have slept with my boyfriend if you cared about me!”

“Let… Let me go…” I whispered feeling the lack of air in my lungs. Tears running down my cheeks and a hard on between my legs let Gerard know about the dirty sin I’ve been hiding from him.

“Am I turning you on little brother?” Gee whispered in my ear licking the earlobe. “Am I the one you want instead of Frank?” he whispered again letting go of my wrists and lowering his mouth to my neck. “You want to feel me inside of you?”

I looked away, embarrassed for my body’s behavior. How can I have a hard on under these circumstances?
I know I should have taken the opportunity to escape. As soon as Gerard let my arms go, I should have escape. Throw him over the bed, and run away, lock myself in the bathroom ‘till Frank got in the room. But I couldn’t.
I didn’t do anything. I stood there, feeling my brother’s body on me, feeling his experienced hands touching my soft skin.

This moment was the dreams I’ve been fantasying for years. This was the moment where I had the love of my life, the only person I’ve loved, and I didn’t want to ruin it. Even if Gerard wasn’t on his right state of mind.

“Ah, Gee!” a moan came from my lips when I felt Gerard’s hand on my erected member. All my sanity was erased from my mind in that moment.
My brother was giving me a hand job. This had to be a fucking dream.

Gerard bit my neck hard, sucking and saying words I couldn’t understand. He sucked even harder when I whimpered. Shit he wanted to leave a mark.
His hand started moving, along with my moans. Oh god... Wake me up now if you don’t want me to sin.
Tears were still coming down my cheeks and Gerard’s mouth moved further to mine.

“Moan for me Mikey, moan like the cheap slut you are.” Gee said bitterly and more tears came down my face. I wanted to die, right there. Gerard wasn’t doing this because he loved me like I love him. He was doing this to take revenge of Frankie.
Revenge…that was Gerard’s favorite word.

His mouth finally touched mine, and his tongue battled for dominance as soon as he entered.
A few more strokes and I surrendered. I was Gerard’s. He could have me, I… I longer cared about anything.
If Gerard kisses me forever, I don’t care about the rest of the world.

“Ah… Gee! No… ah… ah! Fuck, I-I love you!” I screamed when Gerard let go of my mouth and I reached the climax, leaving my seed all over his hand.
He looked at me with a disgusted look on his face, cleaning his hand on the white sheets.
“Whore…” He said standing up from the bed. I started crying again, harder than ever feeling the broken pieces of my heart falling on the bed right next to my cum.

Gerard walked away from me, and before he left I couldn’t help but notice the tent between his legs. He left the room without saying another word, and I couldn’t help keep crying.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so evil...
Love for everyone <3