It's Not Your Fault

Chapter 6

“Think fast!” Evan yelled.

I shrieked and dove under the blankets, trying to protect myself. I heard a dull fwhump on the pillow next to me and decided it was safe to come out. I peeked my head out from under the covers and saw Evan trying not to drop his soda while nearly dying from laughter. I gave him the most evil, fear-inducing glare I could muster and chucked a pillow at him.

“You cad! I’m gonna fucking kill you for that!” I yelled, now throwing random articles of clothing at him that had been lying on the bed. Evan, being the super-jock he is, dodged all of it and sat down at the foot of the bed, still sniggering spastically.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t resist.”

I gave him another glare. “Dude! You know how clumsy and uncoordinated I am! Why the fuck would you throw a can of Sprite at my head?”

Evan shrugged and handed me the can of my favorite soda that had nearly taken my head off. I started to say something, but thought better of it and took a sip of Sprite. Evan was still smiling as he snapped open his Coke and drank deeply from the can.

We sat there for a minute, the only sound coming from the stereo, until my phone started ringing. This time, it was an upbeat dance song. Sofia, I thought crossly, frantically trying to get my phone out of my pocket. The pop music was clashing annoyingly with the Blink-182 song now blasting out of the walls, and I was eager to stop it.

“What?” I snapped into the phone when I finally got it out.

“Danielle—I have a huge problem!” Sofia cried, panicked.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly, my tone much softer now.

Evan looked at me curiously, his Coke frozen halfway to his mouth. The fact that I was suddenly worried about something my sister was saying wasn’t lost on my best friend. Normally I would’ve laughed at his expression, but something in Sofia’s voice stopped me.

“It’s Mom,” my sister replied nervously. “She’s in the emergency room.”