Status: completed. [:




"Carter Marley Scott...."

"lost her mind...."

" of her career."

"deep depression...."

"....went crazy."

"...a madman...."

Ever hear of that one celebrity that went completely insane because her life was so perfect she couldn't handle it? That when she was at the top of her career, it all fell apart because of one tiny incident, and it put her into a deep depression? Ever wonder what had happened? Ever wonder what her story was?

Well, I'm here to tell you.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "How would she know about this?"

That's a good question. Well, I know about this because I lived it.

That's right. At the top of my career, it all went down the drain because of one misunderstanding.

And I'm here to tell you what happened.

I'm going to first start off with who I am.

My name is Carter Marley Scott and I'm seventeen years old. My life was perfect before it happened.

I should start off from the beginning. It all started the day I was getting a book from the book store...

"That's twenty even, miss." The cashier said to me.

I nodded, pulling of my wallet. I looked through it and noticed I only had ten dollars. "Uhm, I'm sorry, but I only have ten dollars...."

"No twenty, no book." She said, putting my book in a return box.

"But I really want that book!"

"I'm sorry, miss. No money, no book."

"Here, I got it." A boy said, putting a twenty down.

The cashier rang it up and gave me my book.

I looked at him, smiling gratefully. "Thank you so much! Please, let me pay you back. I'll just go to the ATM-"

"No, no, it's okay." He smiled. "Really."

He had a hat and sunglasses on, a black wool coat, and a plaid scarf on, so I couldn't really see his face. But by the way he talked and how tall he was, I could tell he was around my age.

I sighed, pursing my lips. "If you're sure...."

He chuckled. "Here. Tell you what. I got an idea. Why don't you pay me back by going out to dinner with n tomorrow night?"

I smiled. "But I don't even know you're name."

He held out his hand, which had a glove on it. "I'm Nick."

I shook his hand. "Marley."

"Marley the Bookworm." He smiled a very dazzling smile.

I blushed. "And Nick the Mysterious."

He smiled wider. "So I'll meet you at Veronica's at six tomorrow night?"

I nodded. "Yes you will."

We smiled at each other and I walked out to my car after saying goodbye.

I smiled to myself as I brought my car to life.

I have a date tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠

that was chapter one of my newest story. I hope you like it. I wrote it sometime ago and I thought it was good cause it was different from any other story that I've read.


please?!?!!! I realllly wanna know what you think!

And sorry if there is any mistakes, I typed this up on my iTouch, so bare with me, will you?


ciao for now,
Laura [: