Status: completed. [:



After getting a whole day’s worth of sleep, it was time to go back on tour, which I was more than thrilled to be doing. Jake wasn’t coming with us, though, because he had to work, so he asked Mr. and Mrs. Jonas to watch over me, which they happily said yes to. Everyone-my band and Nick, Kevin, and Joe-had kept asking what I had been doing for the three days straight, and each time I answered ‘I’ll show you when we get back on the road.’ Finally, after about an hour they stopped asking.


Later, after saying goodbye to Jake, we flew out to where our buses were, and continued to go back on the road. Nick, Kevin, and Joe all came on my band’s and my bus because they all wanted to know what I had been working on.

“So, what is it, Carter?!” Joe asked me excitedly.

I smiled brightly, something I haven’t done in I don’t know how long. “A new song. Come on, I’ll play you the demo.”

I grabbed my CD and put it in the player. They all sat like stones, waiting to hear it. I smiled as I heard the violins play.


Once the song was over, they all looked at me, blank expressions.

I bit my lip, hoping they liked it. “Now, it’s only the demo remember, and instead of only three violins, I plan on having like a bunch of them, and some other people to sing and play the instruments, and a choir.”

“Marley…you did all that?” Nick asked, shocked.

I nodded, then took CD out. “If you don’t like it, just say it.”

“Marley…we didn’t like it. I…That was one of the best songs I’ve ever heard.” Aiden said.

I smiled slightly. “Really?”

They all nodded.

“Carter…you’ve got talent.” Jake smiled, and they all nodded, agreeing enthusiastically.


So, after our first concert, which felt amazing to be performing again, I played the demo to Mr. Jonas and my manager.

They grinned at me. “I think you have a number one hit, Carter.” My manager, Jordan, said.

I beamed. “Thank you, sir.”


So, right now, a week later, I had everyone I needed for my new song. I scanned my eyes over the gospel choir, specially chosen by me. They used to sing at the church I used to go to before they went to a bigger church. I quickly looked over my strings section that I specifically wanted because I knew they would be absolutely perfect for this performance. I then looked over my band, then the Jonases. Everyone was so excited and anxious.

But there was someone missing. And I couldn’t place it just yet. I snapped my fingers. “That’s it!” I said to no one in particular. I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I knew I could trust with my whole life.

“Yellow?” She answered.

“How fast can you get to Oregon?” I asked seriously.

“I’ll be there in two hours.” She said, then the line was dead.

I grinned, rather sickly because I was so excited. This is going to be perfect. I looked at my band, who were all staring at me. I clapped my hands together. “Let’s get started.”


So, for the next two hours, we worked on only the music part, seeing as we didn’t have everyone who we needed to sing. Everyone was really cooperative and learning fast. We still needed a few more practices, but even the best band needs a few rehearsals.

We did a run through, me silently singing the words as I conducted which instrument to start, while conducting the others as well. If you had just walked in right then and there, you probably who’ve thought I was insane because I was flailing my arms around crazily.

I grinned once we finished, and everyone cheered happily.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and I grinned sickly again. She came up to me, a serious look on her face. “What do you need?” She asked.

“You still sing?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yep.”

I smiled. “Welcome to the band.” I turned towards the band and everyone else. They were all so confused. “Everyone, this is my absolute best friend in the entire world who I trust more than I trust myself. This is Mickey West. Mickey, this is everyone.”

Everyone said ‘hey’ or ‘what’s up?’ to her and she gladly returned, a wide smile on her face.

She was older than me, but only by three years, like Joe. She had long blond hair and piercing green eyes, thin as a pencil, and pretty tall. She was gorgeous. And a spectacular singer.

I saw Joe staring at her, grinning. I smiled. “Joe, knock it off, she has a fiancé.”

Everyone laughed as he blushed crimson.

“Okay, Mick, you’re going to be singing with Nick.” I explained, then told them about the duet. They nodded, quickly learning. Mickey was a fast learner, as well as Nick.

I made them sing it once through, and it was perfect. They had a perfect harmony. “Great! Everyone, take a break for an hour, you’re doing amazing.”

They cheered and all went their separate ways.

My band had gone to sleep for a half hour, and Kevin and Joe had gone their separate ways, and Mickey went to go make a phone call. So it was just Nick and I.

He smiled at me, pulling me into his arms.

My body calmed down then. His arms were warm and soft around my body, but they were still strong. I leaned my head on his chest, closing my eyes.

“I’m so proud of you.” Nick whispered in my ear.

I smiled. “This wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for you.” I looked up at him. “So thank you.”

He smiled. “I’m always here for you.”

I smiled. “Good. Because I don’t want it any other way.”

He smiled at me, putting his hands on each side of my face lightly, then started to close the gap between us. I went wide-eyed for a second, then closed the gap between us too because he was going too slow.

You know that feeling of when you kiss someone that you know you‘re going to spend the rest of your life with, everything melts away, and your heartbeat speeds up so fast you think it’s going to explode, and you get butterflies in your stomach, and you just kind of melt in the person’s arms, hoping they catch you when you fall because your knees are about to give out?

Well, Nick kissed better than that.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's been so long! i haven't been on the computer for a while, so yeah, i just got back on. I promise i'll post moreee!

soo, what'd you think? [;

Who do you like together better?
A. Nick and Marley?
B. Joe and Marley?