Status: completed. [:



“Okay, ready?" Joe asked as we got comfortable on my bunk.

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, let's do it."

"Great!" He grinned. He took a deep breath. "So, I say we do it at the concert."

"What?!" I groaned.


"In front of everyone?"

"Yeah!" He grinned, nodding. "It'll be fun! We'll even video tape it!"

I huffed. "Fine, but if Nick gets mad, I'll kill you."

He shrugged. "Deal. Now here's what you have to do."


"Danny?" I smiled as I walked in the lighting room.

A boy with shaggy brown hair looked my way and smiled. "Hey, Carter."

"Hey, can you do me a favor, please?" I asked, giving him a puppy dog face.

"Sure, what is it?" He shrugged.

"Mr. Jonas told me to give this to you." I handed him a flash drive.

He nodded, taking it. "What is it?"

I shrugged, acting as if I didn't know anything. "I don't know. He just said to put it on the big screen when the boys are performing Tonight."

He nodded, smiling. "Sure thing."

I grinned. "Thanks, Danny." I turned around, smiling sickly as I trotted out of the room and down the stairs where I previously was.

"Well?" Joe asked, standing at the bottom step.

"Piece of cake." I shrugged, walking with him to his dressing room.


'No, we're not gonna work this out tonight
(We won't work this out)
No, we're not gonna make this right
So I'll give a kiss and say goodbye
(Give a kiss goodbye)
'Cause we're not gonna work this out tonight'

I tapped my foot as the boys sang their hearts out. Joe's and my plan should be coming into effect right now.

Suddenly, I heard the whole audience laugh. I grinned, watching Nick's and Kevin's reactions, but mainly Nick's. Everyone was pointing and laughing. I looked at Joe. He was laughing really hard as he had his video camera out.

I laughed too. Nick was beyond confused, but still continue to play and sing.

He turned his head to look behind him and stopped playing immediately. I could almost hear his thoughts screaming, 'OH MY GOD!'

Behind Nick was one very, very large screen. And on the screen were some pictures. Not just any pictures, but pictures of him that were really embarrassing.

Everyone was laughing and cheering as each new picture showed up.

But when Nick thought it couldn't get any worse, it actually got better. See, since I thought putting only Nick on the spotlight was mean, I also put in Joe's and Kevin's embarrassing pictures as well. Without Joe knowing of course.

I thought it was rather hilarious to see their reactions, but Joe, Nick, and Kevin didn't.

A three turned their heads slowly towards me, glaring. I gave a rockin out face and a rock and roll sign, then disappeared to the bus, not wanting to watch anymore, satisfied my plan worked.


After showering and changing into my pajamas, I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch. I called everyone who was working on the song with me, and told them practice was tomorrow.

“That was one hell of a trick.” I heard someone laugh as they walked into the bus.

I grinned. “Why thank ya, Miss Mickey.”

She plopped on the couch next to me, a jar of peanut butter and two spoons in her hands. I happily took a spoon and a scoop of peanut butter before putting it in my mouth.

“Mmmm….” I smiled. “I haven’t had this in years.”

“Mom went all ‘you can’t eat that’ phase?” Mickey guessed, shoving the spoon in her mouth.

I sighed sadly, nodding. “Now she’s in the ‘my daughter betrayed me’ phase. She won’t take my calls or anything.”

Mickey gave me a sympathetic smile. “She’s just a little mad that you picked Jake over her.”

“She deserved it! She was horrible to me! Jake was such a better parent to me than she ever was!”

“I know she was, Mar.” She smiled slightly. “Don’t you remember? She hated me.”

“All because you sent me to jail that one time.” I laughed.

“Hey! It’s not my fault you can‘t run as fast as me! Besides, she bailed you out.” She laughed.

“All because you bailed on me! You sprinted once you saw the cops and you didn’t even tell me!”

She shrugged. “You have to learn to be more observant.”

“You were the one who forced me to even tee-pee the house!”

“And after all the years you know me, you should know by now that you shouldn’t listen to me!”

We both laughed, continuing to eat the peanut butter and laughing about the stupid things we did when we were younger. We had some crazy times.

“OH! GREAT JOKE, MARLEY!” I heard three people yell as they stormed on the bus.

I bet you can guess who.

I looked up, raising my eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

“You know what you did! You put those pictures on the big screen tonight!” Kevin said, fuming.

“Now the whole internet is going to see all those pictures!” Nick continued.

I cleared my throat, getting my phone out.

“How can you be texting at a time like this?!” Joe yelled.

I put up a finger, searching through my recordings. “Listen….” I hit play.

‘So, we put up the pictures tonight at the concert on the big screen, okay?’ Joe’s voice said.

‘This is your plan, right? I didn’t come up with this.’ I said back to him.

‘Yeah, this is all me.’ Joe said.

The recording stopped, and I closed my phone, smirking. “Joe…I believe you have something to say to your brothers.”

Kevin and Nick glared at Joe, who had the most shocked face on. “JOSEPH?!”

“YOU!” Joe yelled, pointing his finger at me.


I laughed lightly, standing up. I got in between Nick and Joe, facing Nick. “Okay, okay, Nick, go over there and calm down.” I said, pointing to his bunk.

“But-” Nick protested.

I shook my head. “Nope. Go over there, you need to calm down. Deep breaths, and we’ll talk about this later. Kevin, you too.”

They groaned angrily and they went to their bunks.

Mickey was laughing hysterically and I laughed also. Joe threw his hands up out of anger and went to his bunk.

“I’ll be right back.” I smiled and walked over to Nick’s bunk. The curtain was closed, so I knocked on the side.

“Go away.” I heard Nick mumble.

I smiled and pulled the curtain back and climbed up.

“I said-” Nick started to say, but saw me. “Oh, hey, Marley.” He sighed.

I smiled and closed to curtain. “Okay, Nick, what’s up?”

He groaned. “Joe put up those stupid pictures-”

“I know he did.” I said, grabbing his hands. “But…come on, they weren’t that embarrassing.”

He sighed, not looking at me.

I started laughing. “I mean, that one with you and the two bowls was hilarious!”

A smile started to form on his lips, and he started laughing. “Okay, I guess it was a little funny.”

“And did you really need to make a big deal out of it?”

He shook his head, his curls bouncing, causing me to laugh. “No, I guess I didn’t.”

I smiled. “Good.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sooooooooo sorry this was so delayed! and i know, it reeeeaaalllyyy sucks! i was having serious writer's block! :/ i'll update so much more now! i promise!

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