Status: completed. [:



"Hey, my little superstar." Nick smiled before kissing me.

I blushed. "Don't say that. It's no true."

"Don't be modest." He winked.

'So I took all night to write this stupid love letter to you
Yeah you, from me to you
And all the time that I wasted on this stupid love letter to you-'

"Hello?" I asked.

"And yet, you still don't call me, huh?" A voice chuckled.

I smiled instantly. "I'm sorry. I was about to call you."

"Mhm, sure." He laughed. "So, let's hang out before you leave. I wanna see you."

I laughed lightly. "Sure. What time do you get off?" I asked, ignoring Nick's questions.

"Right now. How about I meet you in twenty minutes at Socco's Batting Cages?"

"Great, see ya there." I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Who was that?" Nick asked.

I bit my lip, contemplating on whether or not I should tell Nick it was Aiden. "It was my friend...Ashley. She wants to meet up with me right now."

He smiled. "Cool."

I gave him a kiss. "So, I'll see you later tonight, kay?"

"And what am I supposed to do tonight?"

I smiled. "Hang out with your brothers tonight, for me. You haven't hung out with them with just you three in a while. So go out with them."

He smiled, kissing me again. "Okay. I promise. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Bye." I smiled and walked out the door of the bus. I got in the rental car that follows the buses and drove off, hoping I made the right decision not telling Nick I was going to see Aiden.

"Marley!" Aiden grinned once he saw me walking towards him.

"Hey, Aiden." I laughed and he pulled me into a big hug.

"So, you ready?" He grinned, holding up a bat and two helmets.

I smiled widely, grabbing a helmet and running over to the cage.

"Marley!" Aiden called out.

I turned around, my hair flying with me. "Yeah?"

"Our cage is the other way." He laughed, pointing in the opposite direction I was going.

"Oh." I blushed.

"How do you do this so amazingly?! I can't even hit a ball!" I laughed, swinging and missing again.

Aiden laughed and walked in the cage. "Here, I'll show you. You're stance is all wrong." He got behind me, putting hid hands on mine. The ball flew out the thing and came speeding towards us. "And...swing!" He said, swinging our arms. We smacked it upward.

I squealed, jumping and hugging Aiden to death. "Thanks, Aiden!"

He chuckled. "No problem, Mar. All you needed was a little boost."

I smiled. "And you're amazing baseball skills." I looked up at him, poking his chest. He smiled slightly at me, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers. He put his other hand on my cheek and slowly leaned his head down.

"No, wait..." I whispered, but it was too late. He already had his lips on mine, cutting me off.

He pulled back a minute later, smiling at me. "Come on. Let's see if you can hit any more."

I got back in my stance, ready to smack the ball with all my strength.

I glanced up, then gasped lightly. Standing there, complete hurt and pain in his gorgeous, chocolate brown eyes, was Nick.

I didn't have time to react to his presence, because a sharp pain went through my wrist, causing me to yell out in pain.

"MARLEY!" Aiden yelled, stopping the machine and running up to me. "Are you okay?!"

"I think it broke." I whispered, on the verge of tears from the pain. But I wasn't looking at my wrist or Aiden when he was rushing me out to the car. My eyes were only on Nick.

"You got a nasty break in your wrist, Miss Scott." the doctor at the hospital smiled at me as he put up my x-rays. He was right. My whole wrist was shattered.

I sighed sadly. "When will it heal?"

He shrugged. "I'd give it about two or three months. Maybe longer."

I groaned, nodding. "Okay. Thanks for everything."

He smiled. "Uhm...can I ask a favor?"

I nodded. "What is it?"

"Can you sign this for me? My daughters are huge fans." He blushed slightly, from embarrassment, holding out a sheet of paper.

I laughed lightly, taking the paper and pen. “Sure, what’re their names?”

“Carly and Sarah.” He smiled.

“Gorgeous names.” I smiled, and signed the paper as best as I could with my left, broken hand, because it was the hand I write with. It was hard, but you still could read it clearly.

“Thanks so much.” He smiled, taking the paper. “You can leave now, by the way.” And with that, he left.

I got off the bed, my arm being weighed down by the newly plastered cast on my left arm, as I got my things.

“Marley! Are you okay?!” Aiden asked, rushing in the room.

I smiled slightly, nodding. “Yeah, I’m fine, Aiden.”

“Why weren’t you watching?” He asked softly, standing close to me.

I backed up a few spaces.

“What’s wrong?” He asked confused.

I shook my head. “Aiden…just leave me alone….” I whispered and walked out the room, leaving him behind. When I walked out to the hall, I looked down to see if he was here. Half of me was hoping he was…but the other half was hoping he wasn’t.

I walked down the hall, searching frantically for the man I knew I was in love with, but I didn’t have any luck.

So I got in a cab and went back to the buses, knowing I screwed everything up.
♠ ♠ ♠


Marley's(Carter's) Outfit

admit it, you love me, don't you?

this story is coming to an end, sadly, sooo, there WILL be a sequel, I have no idea what it's going to be called, but I'll figure something out, you know? I always do. [;

ciao for now,