Status: completed. [:



'All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
We've got all the right moves and all the wrong faces
So yeah, we're going down'

I sang along to One Republic as I drove down to Veronica's for my date with Nick.

I was shaking because I was so nervous. I don't know why either. Something about Nick made me so...anxious. I can't explain it really.

I walked in the restaraunt and was greeted by a very hott waitor. He was about seventeen, gorgeous blue eyes, and black as night hair. He smiled at me. "How many?"

"Uh...two." I stuttered out.

He chuckled. "Right this way." He led me to a booth and I sat down. He put a menu in front of me, and on on the other side for Nick.

"Your waitor will be right with you." He grinned, giving me a sly wink.

I blushed, ducking my head as he left.

About a minute later, he came back, grinning widely as he held a pen and pad. "Good evening. I'm Aiden and I will be your waitor today."

"Hey, I'm Marley." I smiled.

"Well, Marley, can I get you a drink to start off?"

"Uhm, actually I'm going to wait for my date. So in a few minutes, if that's okay."

"Sure thing." He smiled, nodding and walked off.

So I waited for Nick for a few minutes, just looking around at the restaraunt and the people. But minutes soon turned to hours.

"Uh, are you ready now?" Aiden asked once he came back. About every half hour or so he comes back to see if I was ready or not.

I sighed, on the verge of tears. "No. I'm just going to leave." A tear slipped, but I wiped away quickly.

"Here. Here's my number. Call me sometime." Aiden said, putting down a slip of paper.

I smiled weakly at him, taking the slip and putting it in my pocket. "Thanks for everything, Aiden." I got up and started to walk out.

"MISS!" I heard someone yell. The cook cane out from the door, holding an envelope. "Are you Marley?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

He handed me th envelope, which had my name on it. "Nick did say you are beautiful."

I blushed slightly, but still really about cry.

"He's really sorry."

I sighed, nodding. "Thanks." I walked out and into my car, starting to cry. I opened the envlope and pulled out the folded letter from Nick.

Dear Marley,
I am soooooo sorry! I swear I had no idea something would come up! Some famiy tuig happened and we had to go to south. Pleas forgive me. I really wanted to go tonight. Please, if you still want to meet up wih me, please meet me at the park down the street from Veronica's at 7:00. Marley, please come. I really want to make this up to you.
Nick the Mysterious

I sniffled, wiping my eyes as I set down the letter on the passenger seat.

I sighed, turning in the car, and drove out on the road.

My heart and stomach twisted as I thought about what happened tonight.

I really hope he shows up tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠

that was chapter two :D
hope you loved it!


pleeeeeeease? I really want to know what you readers think!!! Please subscribe too! That really makes me happy [:

btw, sorry if there's mistakes. I typed this on my iTouch again.

ciao for now (: