Status: completed. [:



“Nick! Just listen to me!” I begged.

“No! Why should I?!” He yelled back.

“Just let me explain!”

“Explain what?! How you lied to me? How you cheated on me? How you went behind my back to go see some guy you barely even know?!”

I stared at my feet, crying. I looked at him. “It was a mistake! Nick! Please, you have to believe me!”

“How can I believe someone who lied to me?” He asked, now whispering. He shook his head. “Marley…I…I loved you….”

My heart skipped a beat. You don’t know how much I wanted him to say that to me.

“Marley…we’re through…for ever….”

“Nick…don’t do this….” I cried. But it was too late. He was out of the room before I could even talk. “NICK!” I cried, opening the door and out in the hall of the hotel. I looked down and saw him slam his hand against a wall before turning the corner. I ran after him. Turning the corner, I stopped. He was already gone. “Nick….” I sobbed.

“Marley…I’m gonna sleep in the Derek, Aiden, and Drake’s room tonight, okay?” Jake said to me when I walked back in the room.

I looked up at him, my vision blurry from the tears. He was mad. They all were. I only nodded, and he slammed the door behind him. I crawled into my bed, not even bothering to change. And just sobbed.

I messed everything up.
I had everything.
Everything was perfect.
And I screwed it up.
All because of Aiden.
But it’s my fault.
It’s not like I pushed him away.
But gosh…
How could I do that to Nick?
I loved him.
He loved me.
And I missed everything up.
I lost everything.


‘Carter Scott….’

‘Lost her game…’

‘…no fun….’

‘…completely boring now….’

‘…looks depressed.’

‘Nick Jonas….’

‘…looks like he hates her….’

I threw the remote at the wall, making it crash to the floor.

I hate gossip shows.

“Carter, come on, let’s go.” Mrs. Jonas said to me.

I sighed, nodding, and grabbed my bags.

[a few months later]
“Is everyone ready to go home?” Mr. Jonas asked everyone as we stood by the buses.

We all nodded sadly.

Today we were finally going home. The tour was a huge success. The best by far. It was insanely fun. Well…in the beginning anyways.

“Let’s go home.” Mr. Jonas sighed, and we all piled on the buses.

My band, who still is not talking to me, went on the Jonas bus to hang out, but I went on my own.

I sighed, rubbing my face, yelling out in aggravation.

I hate this.
♠ ♠ ♠
only a few chapters left!

Marley's(Carter's) Outfit