Status: completed. [:



A week passed and I’ve been packing and getting ready to leave for tour, which is tomorrow.

But today I get to pick out my band.

So I’m really excited about that.

Lately, I haven’t talked to Nick because I’ve been so busy, but when I do have the chance to talk to him, he’s either too tired to talk, or he doesn’t answer at all. And I’m really worried, because when he does pick up, he sounds like there’s something wrong or he‘s mad at me, or sad about something. I can’t quite place my finger on it.

But tonight I’m taking charge and demanding he see me before I leave, because I don’t think I could just leave without seeing him one more time.


“Next!” I called out, crossing out yet another name. Gosh, these band auditions are taking forever.

I smiled widely as a boy looking about 17 walked in, carrying an electric guitar in his hand. He had black, long-ish hair that swooped to the right side of his face, he was thin, and you can tell by his tight shirt he had a six pack.

I grinned. “Hey, what’s up? “

He smiled at me. “Hey, I’m Drake.”

“Nice to meet you Drake. So, are you interested in playing guitar?”

He nodded, smiling. “Yeah.”

“How long have you been playing?”

“About 8 years.”

“And you’re how old?”


“Awesome. Can you play something for me?”

“Yeah, sure.” He smiled, sitting on the stool in front of him. He got ready and started to do a short guitar solo, doing as best as he could. And his best…was amazing. He was better than any guy I’ve ever heard.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I said in between his solo.

He stopped immediately, looking up at me with sad eyes. He probably thought I didn’t like it. Trust me, I was far from not liking it.

“Tell me…do you see yourself playing for thousands of girls at a time, in the future?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

He nodded. “Y-Yeah.”

“Do you see yourself being famous?”

He nodded once more, gulping. “Y-Yeah.”

I smiled slowly. “Good. ’Cause that’s exactly what you’re going to be….”

His jaw dropped, but he was smiling. “Seriously?”

“You’re the best guitar player I’ve ever seen in my life.” I shrugged, smiling. “Of course you got the part.”

He jumped up. “Seriously?!”

“Yes, seriously!” I laughed, standing and walking over to him. “Welcome to The Scene.” I held put my hand for him to shake, but instead he pulled me into a huge hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

“Thank you so so so so so so so much!” He said, insanely happy.

I smiled. “No problem.”

“You won’t regret this.” He said, pulling back.

“I know I won’t.” I smiled. “Now come on, you gotta help me pick out the rest of the band. By the way, I‘m Marley.”


“Welcome to the band, guys.” I smiled at my new band members.

I think I had the best band in the world. Of course I would think that, but man, these guys were amazing.

First, I obviously had Drake as my guitarist.

Then I had Aiden, who was my bassist. He was amazingly good. He had brown hair that swooped everywhere, but still worked for him, because he was really hott. And he had the most amazing blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

My drummer was Derek. He was insanely good at the drums. Better than I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some really good drummers. His hair was dark brown, but on his bangs, which swooped to the left side of his face, there was blond on them. He was really sexy.

And finally was my pianist. Jake Johnson. He was…incredible on the piano. His blond hair swooped to his left side, and he had amazing green eyes. He was gorgeous.

They grinned, highfiving each other.

“So when do we leave?” Jake asked me.

“Tomorrow.” I answered.

They nodded.

“Then I gotta go home and pack.” They all said at once, the laughed.

They each gave me a hug. “See ya later, Marley.”

“Pack for three months.” I called out after them. “Call me once you’re done!”

They each gave me a thumbs up and left.


“Nick, please pick up.” I begged as the phone rang.

“Hey, Marley.” He said.

“Nick! Thank gosh you picked up!” I sighed in relief.

“Why? What’s wrong?” He asked, worried.

“Nothing! Nothing. It’s just I haven’t talked to you in a while.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve been busy lately.”

“It’s fine.” I said. “So…I’m leaving tomorrow. And I really want to see you before I leave.”

He sighed. “Yeah, I think that’s best. I’ve got something to tell you.”

I went wide-eyed. “Oh my God you’re gay….”

“What? NO! No! I’m not gay!” He said quickly.

“You’ve got a girlfriend?”


“You’re MARRIED?!” I screeched.

“NO! STOP GUESSING!” He said, laughing. “I’m not married, I don’t have a girlfriend, and I’m not gay! I’ve just got something to tell you. Meet me at the park right now.”

Then the line was dead.


I heard the rustle of woodchips, so I looked up and smiled. I haven’t seen Nick since the first time I met up with him in the park. “Nick!” I ran up and hugged him tightly. He hugged back.

“Hey, Marley.” He said, chuckling as he pulled back.

We sat on our swings, and I looked at him. “So, what did you need to tell me?”

He looked at me, then took a deep breath. “Marley…I haven’t really been…telling you everything….”

I became confused. “What do you mean? You’ve told me everything.”

He shook his head. “No…I haven’t. That was all a lie. Well, most of it. But…I haven’t been completely honest to you about who I am….”

“I still don’t follow. What are trying to say?”

He took another deep breath, then stood up in front of me. I looked up at him and watched him slowly take off his scarf, hat, coat, and sunglasses.

I went wide-eyed. “Nick…Jonas?”

“Please! Before you get mad-”

“Mad?” I asked. “Yeah, a little. I…I’m disappointed….” I stood up and started walking away, overwhelmed by all that was happening.

“Marley!” Nick called out, then ran stood in front of me, not letting me walk any faster. “You have to understand why I did this though! Please, let me explain!”

“Why? Why should I? How should I know you won’t just lie to me again?” I asked, then walked around him, and to my house.

I heard him call my name, but I just ignored him and continued to walk home. So confused and hurt.

How could he do that to me?
♠ ♠ ♠

Marley's(Carter's) Outift

Can you say drama?

DANNG! I'm on fire!


Sooo, can you pleaseeeee commentttt?



ciao for now,
laura <3