Status: completed. [:



“Can you believe that this is our first concert?!” I asked, nervous as heck as I paced back and forth on the side of the stage.

“I know, right?” Derek said, also pacing.

In fact, the whole band was pacing back and forth as they did their nervous habits. I bit my nails, Derek did this snapping thing over and over really quickly, Drake hummed to himself, and Jake cracked his knuckles over and over.

“The Scene on in two!” A stage manager said and went the other way.

We groaned, all huddling.

“Okay, guys, we can do this. It’s just like practicing at rehearsals. It’s just all for fun, okay? I don’t want anyone nervous out there. Got it?” I said, putting my hand in the air for a high-five.

“Got it.” They said, and we all high-fived.

“The Scene on now!” The stage manager said to us, and we all ran out on stage.

A jolt of adrenaline rushed through me as I heard the thousands of girls screaming as we took our places. “HOW YOU DOIN’ SAN DIEGO?!” I screamed in the microphone. They all screamed even louder. “Awesome! Derek, hit it!”

They all started to play I Don‘t Like You Either, and I grinned widely.

“This first song goes out to one of the Jonas Brothers.” The girls screamed insanely loud. “And his name is Joe Jonas.” They screamed louder. “Joe, guess what?…I don’t like you either.”

Derek pounded on the drums and I started to sing.

‘This song goes out
To all of you out there
Who don't like me
For whatever the reason might be

I don't care
You can't make me
I'll just continue to do as I please

I'm not gonna change
So just stay away
In my opinion you're just jealous anyway
Besides, anyway I don't like you either

Go right on ahead
Look down on me
If you look my way you'll just get the finger

And don't try to tell me what I can and cannot do
I'll just do whatever it is that I want to

I'm not gonna change
So just stay away
In my opinion you're just jealous anyway
Besides, anyway I don't like you either’

The crowd screamed even louder, which I didn’t think was possible, once we were done.

I looked to the side of the stage, and smirked, seeing all three boys staring at me shocked, Joe’s jaw dropped. “Okay! Let’s get this party started!” I yelled to the crowd and they started to play Set Off.


After Set Off, I was getting hot from jumping around and moving so much, so I unbuttoned my shirt so my white T-Shirt showed. I smiled at the crowd as they cheered loudly for my band and me.

“Okay, so, we’re gonna shake it up a little right now. I want someone to come up here and help us out!” I said, and they all shouted for them to go up there.

“Okay, uh,” I looked around in the first few rows. “How about you holding that sign that says ‘Jonas Brothers for the win!’?”

She screamed and the stage manager helped her up to the stage. A stage helper gave me the tambourine I needed at I thanked him, then walked over to the overly-excited girl. She looked to be about seven years old.

“Hey, there. What’s your name?” I asked, then put the microphone up to her.

“Angela.” She grinned shyly.

I smiled. “Everyone give it up for Angela!” I yelled to the audience. They cheered loudly for her, and she blushed. “Well, Angela, you wanna join The Scene?”

She nodded furiously. “YES!”

My band and I laughed lightly at her enthusiasm. “Awesome! Do you know our guitarist, Drake?”

She shook her head.

“Well, this is Drake. He’s amazingly nice, so you’ll love him.” I said, walking up to Drake with her.

“Hey, Angela.” He smiled, bending down to her level, and shook her hand.

The crowed ‘AW!’ed as she blushed like mad.

I laughed lightly. “Okay, Angela, Drake is gonna sit you next to him and you’re gonna play in our band!”

“AWESOME!” She grinned.

We all laughed and Drake picked her up and put her on top of the speaker next to him. “Are you okay there?” He asked her, and she nodded.

“Okay, Angela, take this tambourine and shake it as fast as you can.” I said, giving her the tambourine.

She did so, and the whole crowd cheered.

“Awesome! Alright, Angela, once we start playing, you shake that as much as you can, okay?” I asked and she nodded. “Okay! Hit it, Derek!”

He pounded on the drums and we all started to play Josey.

Throughout the whole song, I danced around with my band members, and then ended up dancing with Angela at the end.

“Everyone give it up for Angela!” I yelled to the crowd, and they screamed really, really loudly.

We all gave her a hug, and she was escorted back to her seat.

We continued the set, and finished off with everyone dancing and singing ‘How You Love Me Now’.


“Thank you so much, San Diego!” I yelled to the cheering crowd, who were screaming their heads off, then we ran off the stage.

“OH MY GOSH! THAT WAS AMAZING!” We all screamed at the top of our lungs, hugging like no tomorrow.

“Amazing jobs, everyone!” Mr. Jonas smiled at us.

“Thanks!” We grinned, wiping our faces with towels.

“I think you did better than the boys when they do their concerts.” He smiled.

In the background, I saw all three Jonas’ jaws drop.

We smirked. “Thanks!”

“Jonas Brothers on in two minutes!” The stage manager said to everyone, then ran off somewhere.

We smiled as we passed Nick, Kevin, and Joe.

I started singing ‘I Don’t Like You Either’ as I passed Joe.

He groaned, throwing his hands up in the air.

I just laughed as Aiden put his arm around my waist, and Jake put his around my shoulders, and we all shouted ‘I DON’T LIKE YOU EITHER’!


“That party last night was awfully crazy, I wished we taped it.” I sang as I plopped down on the couch next to Jake.

He chuckled, putting his arm on my shoulders. “That was an insane party. Who knew you could chug a whole six pack of Red Bull?”

“Even I didn’t know I could do it!” I nodded, grinning. Jake, Derek, Drake, and Aiden, and I all had a party to celebrate our first concert together.

Drake had dared me that I couldn’t drink a six pack of Red Bull faster than him. I won.

“Whoa, that was an insane party last night.” Drake walked in shirtless as he scratched his head, tired, and sat next to me.

“I know right?” Jake and I laughed.

“Did you see Joe’s face when you sang ‘I Don’t Like You Either’?” Aiden laughed as he too came in shirtless, and sat next to Drake.

Derek came in, in only his boxers, and laid across us all as we all laughed at the memory of Joe’s face.

“I thought his jaw was going to hit the floor it dropped so far!” Jake laughed.

We all cracked up.

“Hey, did the bus stop moving?” Derek asked, realizing it.

Then, someone burst through the door, making us all scream, and Derek to fall off of us.

He stood up quickly to see Joe, Nick, and Kevin standing there. “Ever hear of knocking?”

“Ever hear of pants?” Joe snapped.

“Shut up, Joe!” I yelled at him.

“What do you want?” Aiden asked.

“Yeah, you’re not allowed in here. We don’t talk, remember?” Jake said.

“We were sent over here to tell you we’re at a restaurant for lunch.” Kevin said calmly.

We nodded once. “Okay, we’ll be right there.” Drake said.


“Drake, Jake, Derek, Aiden, Marley! Nice of you to finally join us!” Mrs. Jonas smiled before sipping her water.

We all crammed in the booth.

I gave her an annoyed smile. “Yeah, no one really gave us a warning.”

“Joseph said he called you an house before they went over to your bus, though.” Mr. Jonas said.

My band and I looked over at him, glaring.

He put the menu in front of his face.

I scoffed. “I must not have gotten the message then.”
♠ ♠ ♠

How You Love Me Now, Set Off, Josey - Hey Monday
I Don't Like You Either - Dean Strickland

Marley's(Carter's) Outift

DANNG! I'm on fire!


Sooo, can you pleaseeeee commentttt?



ciao for now,
laura <3