Status: completed. [:



“Can you believe him?!” I groaned as I sat on the couch between Derek and Aiden.

“I know right? What the hell is his problem?” Drake scoffed.

“We have to get him back.” I concluded as an evil, sly smile formed on my face.

“How?” Jake asked.

“I got an idea.” I smirked, then told them the plan.

“That’s perfect!” They grinned sickly, just like me.


“Marley, you’re rooming with Aiden this time, and you two will be next to Joe.” Mr. Jonas said, finishing on giving us our room keys.

We all nodded and went up to our rooms.

“Hey, Mar, are you sure you’re tall enough to reach the doorknob.” Joe smirked smugly.

“Oh, wow, I haven’t heard that one before.” I rolled my eyes and opened the door to mine and Aiden’s room.

We walked in and opened the connecting door that connected to Jake’s, Drake’s, and Derek’s room.

They walked right in and all sat on the two beds casually as they did at every hotel we came at.

“I’ll go get the room key.” I said, and walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas’s room.

Frankie opened the door and smiled as he saw me. “Hey, Marley!”

“Hey, Frankster, what’s up?” I smiled as I walked in the room.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas looked up at me and smiled. “Well, hello, Marley.” Mrs. Jonas smiled.

“Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. Uhm, I need your help. Can I have a room key to get into Joe’s room, please? I seemed to have left something in his bag, so I need to get it. Don’t worry; I already called him and he said it was okay for me to come in.” I lied through my teeth.

“Oh, sure, honey. Here ya go.” Mrs. Jonas smiled, handing me the room key.

“Thank you so much.” I grinned and walked out the room.

I looked over and saw Joe leaving his room and going the opposite way. I grinned and ran up to his room. I slid the key through the slot and sighed of relief as I saw the little light turn from red to green. I walked in and ran over to the connecting door that connected to mine and Aiden’s room. They walked in and Aiden put the tape on the phone button of Joe’s phone, Jake put the plastic wrap over the entrance of the bathroom door, and Drake taped it down, and Derek put the alarm behind a sign, and set it for the right time, then set Joe’s alarm for five minutes later than he set the other alarm. I went wide-eyed as I saw Joe coming towards the room.

“Guys! He’s coming back! OUT NOW!” I whispered, and we all bolted for my room, leaving the door open just a crack for later.

We all laughed.

“Now what?” Jake asked.

“Now we wait.” I smiled, high-fiving them.


“Okay, everyone ready?” I yawned.

They nodded tiredly and I picked up the phone. I dialed Joe’s number, and two seconds later we all heard Joe’s phone ring in his room. We bolted towards the door that connected to Joe’s room, and Derek got the video camera out and started recording.

We all watched as Joe groaned angrily, and picked up the phone. “Hello?” It kept ringing though. “HELLO!?”

We tried to contain our laughter.

“Damn it, why won’t this stop ringing?!” He mumbled angrily, standing up. He started slamming the phone on the receiver, but it kept ringing. “Shut up!” He yelled, still slamming the phone. “Stop ringing! I got it! Someone’s calling me!”

“Joseph, what the hell?!” An angry and tired Nick and Kevin yelled, walking in.

“Shut that thing up!” Nick groaned.

“It won’t stop ringing!” Joe yelled, still slamming the phone, thinking it would help.

Then the first alarm started going off. It was insanely loud, and really, really annoying.

“OH MY GOD!” They yelled angrily.

“Someone find that and turn it off!” Nick yelled.

Kevin went to do it. “I can’t find it!”

“I can’t see anything!” Nick yelled.

“I think there was-” Joe started, but his alarm started going off too. “What the hell!? Nick, there’s a flashlight in the bathroom! Go get it! AND FAST!”

Nick started running towards the door of the bathroom, but slammed into the plastic wrap and fell back.

My band and I had to cover each other’s mouths from laughing to loudly.

Nick tried again, and he slammed back into the wrap.

We tried to contain our laughter, even though it was nearly impossible.

“I found it!” Kevin said, and the first alarm went off.

Joe found the other one and turned that one off, and the phone eventually stopped ringing.

“Thank God!” They mumbled, tired, angry, and really annoyed.

“Night, Joseph.” Nick and Kevin mumbled and slammed the door.

Joe groaned angrily, and we were just about to leave, but Joe started to head towards the bathroom.

He smacked into the plastic wrap and fell on the floor.

We burst out laughing, shutting the door, and ran over to my bed, laughing so hard our sides hurt so badly, and we were crying so much it looked like we were bawling.

“That was amazing. That just made my life.” I laughed, and we all just burst out laughing again.

“Did you see Nick’s face when he ran into that plastic?!” Drake laughed and we all laughed even harder.

“Oh, my gosh. Best prank EVER!” Aiden laughed, and we all high-fived.

We stopped once we heard a knock on the door.

"Everyone pretend they're asleep!" I whispered and they all laid on the beds, covering themselves with the blankets.

There were two more knocks on the door and I ran up to the door. I messed my hair up so it looked like I had been sleeping, and I put a tire face on as I opene the door.

I squinted because of the light. Joe was standing next to Mr. Jonas, furious. "Is there something wrong?" I asked in my most innocent voice.

"Don't play innocent!" Joe snapped. "Dad, they did it!" He pointed at me.

"Did what?" I asked.

"You know. You cause my phone to keep thing and you set two alarms to go off, and you put plastic wrap on my door!" Joe accused.

"An how could I have done that when I was clearly sleeping?" I asked.

"It wasn't JUST you. You and your band did it!" Joe said.

"And why do you think we did it?" I asked.

Joe was about to answer, but Mr. Jonas cut him off. "Because when we went to Derek's, Jake's, and Drake's room, they weren't there."

"Oh, that's cause we're having a sleepover. We always do once we get to a new hotel." I shrugged, which was true...some of the time.

"See! They did it!" Joe said.

"How? When did this happen?" I asked.

"Just now. About five minutes ago." Mr. Jonas answered.

"Impossible. We were sleeping the whole time. We crashed at midnight." I said.

"LIAR!" Joe yelled.

"Joseph!" Mr. Jonas said and Joe sighed angrily.

"Do you have proof?" I asked Joe, a smirk in my voice.

He opened his mouth to answer, but then shut it. "No."

"Then I don't see why you're blaming us when we did. Nothin to you." I shrugged. "But, if you excuse me, I'd like to get back to bed. Long day tomorrow." I smiled sweetly.

"We're sorry we woke you." Mr. Jonas smiled apologetically at me.

"That’s quite alright." I smiled back.

"Joseph...." Mr. Jonas said sternly.

"I'm sorry I accused you all." Joe mumbled insincerely.

I gave him an innocent smile. "That's okay, Joe. Goodnight."

I shut the door and walked back over to the beds. I switched the light on and everyone emerged from the beds, laughing and high-fiving.

"Awesome job, MarMar!" Aiden grinned.

"Thanks. You should have seen Joe's face!" I laughed. "He was so mad!"

"Oh man, that's great." Jake grinned. "Now let's actually go to sleep. I'm so tired."

We all agreed and crammed on the two beds. Drake an Derek were one bed, and Aiden, Jake, and me were on the other bed. I was sprawled across the bed, Aiden was lying next to me, his torso across my stomach, and Jake laid across us all, making it really heavy on my stomach. But i didn't care, these guys were my brothers, my family. And I love them so much.
♠ ♠ ♠

Marley's(Carter's) Outift

Can you say that was the best prank ever!?

DANNG! I'm on fire!


Sooo, can you pleaseeeee commentttt?



ciao for now,
laura <3