Status: completed. [:



"You're a hott mess! lovin it, HELL YES!" My band and I sang as we danced around in mine and Aiden's room.

We heard a knock on the door and groaned as we turned the music off and Jake went to go answer the door.

"Get ready to leave in ten minutes. We're going to rehearsals." I heard Nick explain to Jake.

"NIIICK!" I yelled. "Come here!"

"Ew. Why?" Derek asked.

"Just watch." I winked and Nick came on, obviously feeling the tension between him and my band.

"Yeah?" He asked politely.

I smiled at him. "How was your night last night? Did you sleep well?"

My band snickered.

But to our surprise, Nick grinned widely. "I knew it. That was really good. What did you do? Tape his phone button down?"

My band and I exchanged worried glances.

Nick chuckled. "Don't worry; I won't tell on you. I'm not like that."

I smiled widely, nodding.

Nick started laughing. "You know I have two bruises from slamming into that plastic wrap?"

We all laughed and made room for Nick to sit down. He gratefully took the seat.

"Did Joe ever tell you he smacked into the plastic wrap too?" Drake laughed, and Nick shook his head, laughing too.

"He was so mad at you all this morning. I don't think I've ever seen him so mad in my life." Nick grinned. "He knows you did it, too. He knows you would do something like that to him. But he's questioning himself since Dad keeps trying to convince him that you all were sleeping."

We all laughed.

"And all because he didn't tell you to get ready?" Nick asked and we shrugged.

"That and the fact that he was horrible to Marley...." derek said angrily, remembering the first day in our first hotel.

I looked at Nick and sighed angrily, then looked away. I was still very mad at him.

"Marley, can we talk, please?"

I bite my lip and go on the balcony. He follows and closes the door behind us and stands next to me, leaning on he railings and looking out to the city.

"Marley...I am so so sorry...." He says quietly, looking at me.

But I just stared in front of me. "It's Carter."

"Marley, you have to let me explain."

I didn't say anything at first, starting to feel the tears brim my eyes, and my chin quivered. "Nick, I really liked you."

"I liked you too! And I still like you!" Nick said, turning towards me. I looked at him, a tear falling.

"But if you really liked me, you wouldn't have lied to me!" I said, wiping the tear away.

"But I had a good reason!" He defended.

"And what was that? So you could get what you wanted and I couldn't find you afterwards?"

"NO! That's not why I lied!"

"Then why?"

Suddenly the door opened, causing Nick and I to look back. It was Aiden. "Time to go." He said as I walked up to him, then put his arm around my shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asked me quietly.

I only nodded and walked out the room with Derek, Drake, and Jake.


I finished the last song we were going through, then smiled an high fived my band. "Awesome job you guys."

"You too, Marley." Drake smiled.

"Thanks." I beamed. Suddenly my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked.

"Carter!" It was my mom.

I smiled slightly. "Hey, Ma."

"How is everything? Is everything okay? Are you having fun?"

I laughed lightly. "Everyhing is great, Mom. I'm havin a ton of fun-"

"Is that Carter?" I heard my step-dad ask.

"Yes, it is." Mom sighed.

"Let me talk to her."


"Lemme talk to her."

"No, I'm talking to her-"

"Just let me talk to her!"

Then they started to fight. Mom was screaming at Jake for being really rude to her while she was on the phone, and Jake was shouting at her that she was being rude for not letting him to talk to his own daughter.

I was on Jake's side, naturally.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Carter, honey, we'll call you back in a little while. We love you." Jake said and the line was dead.

I sighed sadly and hung up also.

"Earth to Marley." I heard the speakers blast Derek's voice, and everyone laughed.

I looked up and smiled. "Sorry. That was Mom and Jake."

"They hung up already?" Drake asked.

I sighed, nodding. "They started fighting again."

"Ahw, MarMar, it's okay. They'll stop." Aiden said, puttig his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, I know." I half smiled.

"Okay, The Scene is done for today." A stage manage said to everyone. "Jonas Brothers are up now!"
♠ ♠ ♠

Marley's(Carter's) Outift

Can you say filler??

I know, I know, it's short, but this is allllllllll leading up to a BIG BIG thing in the next chapterr!


Sooo, can you pleaseeeee commentttt?


come on guys, don't be those stupid silent readers. Comment! AND Subscribe! I wanna know what you think!


ciao for now,
laura <3