A Night Without Stars


I smile weakly when I walk into the house, only one bag... Dad wouldn't let me carry the rest. Just like everyone else, I feel so useless... but I'm knid of used to it now... someone would set my own plate, do my chores, clean my room, wash all my clothes. It's kind of pathetic of me, but I can't do anything but watch.

I look around the old, yet memorable house with curiousity. Running my finger along the dull white walls with a simple touch of the rough texture, I smile softly.

The door closes behind me with a click and I hear my bags being dropped on the floor.

"I could've carried those" I murmur at my dad with a smile.

"Your mom said not to let you... knowing you'd want to" he chuckles.

I roll my eyes and bite my lip.

"Come here. I didn't even get my hug, I only talk to you on phone" he smiles and opens his arms.

I laugh and walk into his warm arms with a smile.

"Ice fishing?" I bite my lip, grinning as he pulls away.

"Yes, you remember Old Billy Black don't you? I'm not sure if you do. Bells dosen't" he shakes his head.

"Yes. I do, Racheal and Jacob's father am I correct?" I ask him curiously.

"You are correct" he smirks.

"Don't mock me. I'd rather not have slang as a teenager, it's pretty horried if you think about it" I laugh.

"You'll get used to it with me and Billy around. Since when did you pierc your lip?" he frowns at me, eyeing my snake bites.

I smile softly.

"Two years ago father. They didn't hurt" I smile and pick up a bag, sneekingly.

"Put down that bag. I'm taking your stuff up stairs.. it's alright it you room with Bella right?" he asks, picking up my bags and taking the one from my hand, I follow him up the creaky stairs.

"Yes, I'd love to actually get to know my new married sister" I smile and he opens the door to the tiny room.

Paintings and crafts from when we were little are on the little board. I see a matress on the floor with a bunch of blankets.

"I hope you don't mind the small matress, extra blankets there. I'm going to get you a new bed" he tells me, scratching the back of his neck.

"Not at all. Hospital beds are thinner then that" I smile and sit on the folded blankets, he places down my bags on the floor.

"You're going to have to keep your stuff in the bags, we need to arrange the space with Bella" he chuckles.

"Where is Isabella anyways?" I ask curiously, my head titlted to the side.

"She's gone hiking with Edward, she should be back soon. It's pretty late. But you never know with Edward, he always finds a way to get her in trouble. Never liked that boy when I first layed my eyes on him" Father grumbles.

I laugh and stand up.

"Isabella loves him, you don't have to love him for who he is, just love him because he loves Isabella" I smile and give him a small hug.

I walk down the stairs slowly, yet gracefully. I hear a knock on the door. I shrug and open it.

"Who is it?" Charlie says, jogging down the stairs.

"OH! Hi Alice" Charlie grins at the tiny girl standing infront of me.

I bite my lip nervously, looking at her up and down. Not checking her out, just looking at her image to see if she was a threat.

Short spiky black hair, bright topaz eyes and beautiful pale skin. She looked like she was a model with the newest fashion trend. Her grin makes you smile.

I smile softly at her.

"Hello Charlie! Bella told me her younger brother was comming down. I just had to meet him. I'm Alice" she grins and sticks out her tiny hand.

I shake it slowly, her cold touch is abnormal, but it feels nice on my flaming skin.

"I'm Jonah. Nice too meet you Alice" I smile softly at her, pulling my hand away softly.

"I'm Edwards Sister. Well, we live with our foster parents... but we think of each other as like a family" she grins at me.

"Alice, would you like to come it. It's awefully cold out there" Charlie smiles softly at her.

I think Little pixie looking girls are dad's sweet spot. I look at him with a snicker. I bite my lip and look back at the grinning Alice.

"No, I'm fine Charlie. Just wanted to pass by to say Hi" she waves at me.

I wave slowly.

"Do you know when Edward and Isabella are comming back?" I question curiously.

Then I see a car pull in the drive way.

"That's them. Well, nice meeting you Jonah, you probably want to catch up with your sister. See you at school" she smiles and hugs me quickly.

I hug her back and wave when she gets into a black car.

That's when I see Isabella, I grin and wave at her, slipping on my shoes quickly and running to her. Grasping her in a tight hug. She laughs and hugs me back.

"You look lovely" I smile and kiss her pale cheek.

"You too. Hey. When did you get the lip piercings?" she laughs.

"2 years ago, but they didn't hurt... okay they did. But who cares" I giggle and hug her again.

"You're so tiny. Let go inside it's freezing out here" she smiles at me, walking me inside the house.

I notice the ring on her finger. I smile and grip it between mine. I run my fingers along the band and over the diamond softly.

"It's beautiful" I smile, looking up at her brown eyes, I wish I had.

"It was my mothers" Comes a smooth, and fimilar voice.

I look behind us and see a pale boy, he looks like Alice. Topaz eyes, but his hair is a light bronze colour and it looks like someone just put jel in their hands and rubbed it all over his hair messily. It looks nice.

I smile softly at him.

"Well it's amazing" I murmur looking at Isabella.

"I can't belive how small you are" Isabella laughs.

"Yeah. All the organic foods and you know the plain tasting foods do that to you. Also some of the sugeries. I don't get why I have to get sugeries.... I mean I'm going to die anyways. Why do something if it's just a waste of time" I shrug.

"Don't you dare talk like that in this house" Father says looking at me with sad eyes.

I shrug and skip into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple from the fridge.

Just like mom, always offensive about me dying.

I take a bite of the sweet red apple and grin. Taking another.

"So how are you?" Isabella asks me.

"Wonderful" I grin and take another bite, jumping up on the counter.

I see the pale boy, watching us by the enterace of the kitchen.

"Any girl friends?" Isabella smirks.

"Nope" I snicker.

"Why are you laughing?" she questions.

"I got a boyfriend. Well had... mother didn't like him. She said he was absolutely rude" I frown.

"You're gay?" Isabella stares at me in shock.

"Non-sence. I am Bi-Sexual. Nothing wrong with that Isabella" I shrug and take another bite of my apple.

"I know Jonah. Just didn't see that one comming" she smiles at me.

I grin cheekily at her and bite my lip when he eyes get serious.

"So how are you?" she asks nervously.

"I already told you Isabella" I chuckle.

"I mean your health Jonah" she says seriously.

"I don't want to talk about that. I'm fine, I'm breathing. It's all that matters right? It's 10, I'm going to bed. Goodnight" I mumble akwardly.

"Goodnight Isabella, Goodnight Edward" I murmur, walking past both of them gracfully and walking up stairs with a sad look.

Why do people always do that? They just can't foget that I'm about to die just for one second?

I sigh, walking into the room, making my bed quickly, laying down and falling asleep.

I feel my self being shook. I groan and rub m eyes, seeing my father. His face is stern, but he is obviously worried.

"Jonah. did you take your pills?" he asks with a glare.

"Yeah... I think so" I yawn tiredly.

"It's 7am. Take them now" he says, handing me a cup of water and my little pill conatiner.

"Okay" I mumble, opening the morning container and putting the first two pills in my mouth.

I swallow and put the next two in. And then one more time. I smile at me dad with a huff.

"You know I can't go back to bed now right?" I frown.

"Isabella is gone to school.... I need to work Jonah. Do you want to go to Billy's?" he asks me.

"I can take care of myself" I frown at him.

"Jonah. Your mom called me two weeks ago. I know what happened" he eyes with a sigh.

"I'm not like that anymore I promise" I sigh.

"I'm not taking that chance. Come on, Billy wants to see you anyways" Charlie smiles.

"Okay" I smile softy at him, running my hands up and down the soft blankets.
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C a l e i g h C a n n i b a l x3