A Night Without Stars


I sigh tiredly, curling up in a ball on the small couch, watching football with Billy.

"Tired kid?" Billy chuckles.

"Yeah, Dad woke me up really early" I sigh.

"I know. You came here at 8:30" Billy smirks at me.

I hear the door open and boots kicked on the wall, kicking off the snow.

I want to go and play in the snow

"Dad. I'm Home!" I hear a gruff shout.

I hear feet jog into the living room and then I feel a pair of eyes staring at me.

"It's not nice to stare" I murmur, watching the men, tackle each other for the brown ball on T.v

"Holy shit! Are you Jonah?" I hear a gasp.

I tilt my head up and see the very fimilar face of Jacob Black. I smile softly, nodding.

"Haven't seen you in forever!" he grins, sittinf down beside me on the couch.

Taking up most of the space.

"Yeah. Hospital, Arizona.. you know. Typical places you'll be when you can die any minute of your life" I shrug and watch T.v

"Jonah!" Billy scolds me.

"It's the medicine. Sorry.. it makes me a little WOO" I say and chuckle.

"Want to go and get something to eat, I know there's not much here" Jacob grins at me.

"Sure, but if I fall asleep, let me sleep" I smile getting up stretching.

"Jake! Bring him back before 10!" Billy shouts.

I slip of my shoes and pull my arms through my coat. I slip my black hat on my head and smile at Jacob, leaving the tiny house and getting into his clean RABBIT.

I close the door and shiver.

"You're just like Bella. Lived in Arizona, look's like you've been in the dark for years" he chuckles, backing up out of the drive way.

"It's the cancer thing. I don't like the sun much either" I smile softly, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Nevermind. Totally not Bella" he laughs and speeds down the road.

"Isabella is my sister, not my twin Jacob. Even if we were twins, I doubt we'd be the same" I say with a slight chuckle.

"I see. So... how have youy been these past... like 9 years" he grins at me.

"Good. I guess" I mumble.

"Liar. You suck at lying. It think it runs in the family, Charlie can't lie either" Jacob smirks.

"I'm not mentally stable, well.. I Wasn't mentally stable" I sigh.

"And why's that?" he asks curiously.

"Where are we going?" I ask, changing the subject.

He notices this and ignores our past conversation and replaces it with a smile.

"My friend Sams house. His wife makes the best supper"

"Ooh. Okay" I murmur, twiddling my thumbs nervously.

"What's upp guys!" Jacob walks in with a cheeky smile.

"What happened to knocking" I mumble under my breath.

Everyone looks at Jacob. I cower behind his huge body, which obviously covers all of mine.

"This is..." Jacob trails off... turning around, looking for me.

I shake my head.

"Can we leave" I whisper shyly.

"Naw. Come on Jo, they're really nice. Just don't make a bet with the boys thats all" he chuckles, slinging an arm lazily over my shoulder.

I look at my feet, as he walks me into the small, comfortable house.

"This is Jonah. He's Bella's little brother" Jacob announces.

I bite my lip, playing with the hem of my shirt.

Jacob nudges me, I look up and see a very beautiful woman, the three scars on her face... looks like some sort of animal attack. She is beautiful... the only think the scars tell me is that she is a strng and brave woman, and has a very beautiful soul.

She smiles at me. I smile softly back at her.

"I'm Emily, Nice to meet you Jonah" she sticks out her hand.

I shake it weakly.

"You to Emily" I bit my bottem lip.

"Well come on boys, come sit down" she says, gesturing us to sit down at the table.

I follow Jacob, sitting beside him quietly.

The table is full with bowls of food. Boyssit all around the table, eating like no tommorrow. I timidly grab a bran muffin and trace my finger along the bumpy suface of the top, and around the hills on the paper. I smile soft and take off a tiny piece.

"You know there's food right?" Jacob chuckles.

"Yes, but I can not eat that. It does indeed look delicious though" I smile at Jacob.

"Wow. You do look alot like Bella" I hear a chuckle from the other side of me.

I turn my head and see a boy, about my age, grinning at me.

"I'm Seth Clearwater" he smiles, and puts a spoonful of potatoes in his mouth.

I smile shyly, shaking his waiting hand.

"Nice too meet you" I murmur.

"Seth you idiot! You don't talk to someone with your mouthful" A girl scolds the boy and whacks the back of his head.

He swallows and frowns at the girl.

"Sorry for trying to eat before you finish the whole damn table" he glares.

"Shut up... both of you" Jacob laughs.

"Thats my sister, Leah" Seth rolls his eyes.

"Yes, figured that. Seeing as how much you two love each other" I smirk and put a piece of muffin into my mouth.

"Yeah, yeah" he laughs, shoving carrots in his mouth.

"Curious question... who's your dad?" A boy from across from me asks with a smile.

"Charlie Swan" I tell him with a shy smile, this boy was infact cute.

"Why would you ask him something like that?" JAcob growls at the boy.

"Well he just has really bright eyes, Charlie's eyes are brown... I saw Bella's mom at the... urm wedding and she didn't have that bright of blue eyes" he says honestly.

"Well you don't have to be a dick about it Quil" Jacob mutters.

"It's alright... everyone questions. I got my eyes from my great-grandpa on my mothers side. Nothing to personal Jacob" I laugh, nudging him.

"So where are you from Jonah?" Emily asks me.

"Arizona. I came down here to visit my father and I wanted to see the snow" I smile.

"I see... How's the muffin?" she asks me.

"Wonderful. They're really good" I smile politely at her.

"Thank you" she grins.

Then a scoff comes from a man that is standing beside Emily. I look at him with a questioning look.

"Stop flirting with my wife" he glares at me.

"Sam" Jacob growls.

"Flirting? I'm 16...." I frown in confusion.

"No one talks like that unless they want to get in a girls pants" he mutters.

"I talk like this. I'd rather not use slang words, they sound aweful. Once again, I am only 16 and I would never flirt with anyone" I frown at him.

"Sam, stop it" Emily says sternly.

Jacob growls and stands up. I bite my lip.

"I'm obviously not wanted. I'll just wait for you in the car. I wanted to go and see the snow anyways" I sigh, getting up, leaving the muffin on the table.

I walk out of the house, ignoring Jacob.

Jacob's p.o.v

Everyone was quiet for the next few mintues.

"Sam.. seriously what the fuck?" I mutter, glaring at the jealous pack leader.

"Jacob, you know he was flirting" he says sternly.

"No, I don't he wasn't flirting. Sam, Jonah's just talks properly. He's been talking like that since he was five when he learned his first swear word and got soap in his mouth" I sneer at him.

Sam just narrows his eyes.

"Why did you bring him here anyways?" he glares at me.

"Sam shut up! He's my childhood friend. Why wouldn't I bring him?" I shout angrily, shaking.

"Because we don't need you going around telling everyone of your little friends, that end up getting you heart broken!" Sam shouts.

"Fuck you Sam. To bad you don't know how it feels to be on the other side. Seeing as what you did to Leah and what Bella did to me. You already found your imprint. Even IF Jonah was flirting with Emily, do you really think sh ewould cheat on you?" I glare at him, shaking more.

I glance at Leah and see her just looking down at her plate.

"You're going to wish you never knew me Black" he sneers and we run outside.
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C a l e i g h C a n n i b a l x3