A Night Without Stars


I sit in the snowq, ignoring the wetness sinking through my jeans. I trace my fingers along the fluff, drawing pictures in the snow happily.

I hear the door open and then slam closed. I look behind me and see Jake, frowning and angry.

"Come on. It's 9, Charlie's probably waiting for you" he mutters and jogs to the car, slamming the door.

I dust myself off and get in cautiously. I close the door and buckle up.

I walk into my house tiredly.

"Here. Take your pills" my dad tells me, hanging up his coat, grabbing the container.

I sigh and take the pills, then I just walk up stairs and into my room.

"He dosen't have to hide in the closet" I chuckle, walking over to my bag, grabbing my pjs.

I pull my shirt off my body and then take off my pants. I slide on my pj pants and just lay down in my bed sadly.

I hear the closet door open slowly and Edward walks out, looking at me oddly.

"My friends always used to do that" I tell him with a soft smile, running my hand down my chest.

Feeling all the little bumps of the scars from sugery.

"I should get going" Edward mumbles.

Then he just climbs out the window.

"What's wrong Jonah?" Isabella asks me.

"I got someone mad at me and Jake" I huff.

"Who?" she frowns.

"Emily's husband. He says I was flirting with Emily, but I was not, it is just how I talk" I frown with a sigh.

"It's not your fault. Sam is just really protective and jealous" she smiles.

"Thanks" I smile softly at her.

"Okay, good night" she laughs, laying down on her bed.

"Goodnight Isabella" I smile, when the light is turned off.

"You can call me Bella" she laughs.

"Yes, I can. But Isabella is your name" I tell her honestly.

She just laughs.

" Dear God. Thank you for blessing me with a longer life. I would like a much longer one and maybe a healthier, but I tell you this every time and I know I will not get better. I hope mom is happy... getting some time away from stress and the hispital. I just don't know about Dad, or Jacob. May you please help us sort this thing out, with Emily and Sam? I really don't like getting into misunderstandings with people, especially when they get physical. Well Goodnight. Amen" I sigh, falling asleep.


"Just like you do,
Just like you shooo-bee-do-do-do!" I sing with a girn.

I spin and grab an orange from the kitchen.

"Who sings that?" Isbella asks, comming down the stairs, ready fro school.

"Christofer Drew, my insparation!" I grin widely.

Isabella nods, laughing.

"I am serious Isabella!" I laugh, peeling my orange.

"Are you ready.. we're going to school now" Isabella asks me.

"Yes" I grin.

I shove the orange in my mouth and grab my pills quickly. I run out the door with Isabella, and jump in the back seat of the Volvo.

"Your in grade 10?" Isbella asks me.

"No, Freshmen year. I failed last year, to many tardies and absences" I say, looking out the window.

"Shouldn't you be in grade ten still?" Edward asks me.

"He got a major sugery when he was 8, so he missed almost the whole year of school" Isabella answers for me.

"Ooh" he murmurs.

I get out of the car nervously biting at my lip and playing with the spikey studs.

"Why is one silver and the other black?" Edward asks me.

"Because, I did not know which one I wanted. Does is look weird?" I ask nervously.

"No, it looks nice" he grins crookedly at me.

"Thanks" I smile.

I follow my sister into the front office.

I walk into the class with a nervous smile. I see the teacher and he looks at me.

I hand him the pink slip and he easily signs it.

"Nice to meet you Jonah Swan. Hmm" he smiles, shaking my hand with a stern grip.

"You too" I murmur, and look at the curious eyes gazing at me.

"You can sit right there" he says, pointing to a empty seat beside a blonde girl.

I walk over and sit down cautiously beside her, nibbling on my lip... watching the clock.

Too bad Alice was in a grade over me.

"Your sister is Bella Swan?" the girl asks me suddenly.

"Yes" I reply looking at her baby blue eyes with a small smile

"I never knew she had a brother. I'm Emily Newton" she smiles.

"Nice to meet you" I smile back politely.

"You have really nice eyes" she comments.

"Thank you. But they are soft of abnormal" I chuckle, twriling my pencil in my hand.

"Abnormal is always better" she grins.

Then, the teacher... obviously starts teaching...

"Shoo-bee-do-do-do" I bite my lip, sitting down beside Emily.

"Child what are you singing?" she laughs.

"A song, and I am a year older then you" I grin and take a bit of my apple.

"Yes, but if you think about the mental age, I'm about 2 years older then you" she smirks.

"Mayybe" I chuckle.

"So who sings that song?" she asks, biting her pizza.

"Christofer Drew, its called First Dance, Amazing song" I grin.

A boy sits down beside me, pizza on his try, along with a pudding, coke and a carrot.

"Whats up with the random carrot?" Emily asks the boy.

"My mom..." he shakes his head.

"Give it to him. He likes vegetables" Emily laughs.

"No... well I do, I'm just a vegetarian" I chuckle, biting my apple in her face.

"Okay, I'm Alex by the way" he grins, putting the carrot on my empty plate.

"Jonah" I smile.

"Swan. Yeah I heard there was a new Swan in the school" he chuckles.

"Yes" I grin.

"So has anyone asked you out yet?" he chuckles.

"Nope" I smile, grabbing my vitamin water.

I take a drink and put it on the empty tray.

"HELLO! Oh my god.. who's this?" I hear a girly giggle.

I look a see a girl, bouncy blonde curls suround her face, her bubbly brown eyes and her dool shaped face looks cute and childish with her grin.

"This is Jonah, Jonah this is Mitzy" Emily intoruduces us.

I smile and wave. She waves excitedly, sitting down.

"You look like someone who'd sit at the Cullen table" she snickers.

"Cullen? Isn't that Edward's last name?" I chuckle.

"Yes, you're really pale, have amazing eyes and you're oddly beautiful" she giggles, biting into her salad.

I blush and bite the carrot.

"Don't mind Mitzy, she's really blunt. But you two should get along... she's a vegitarian" Alex smirks.

"It's called honestly. Maybe you shold put a comdom on your head. Since you act like a dick, maybe you should look like one too. Also Vegitarianism is a choice. Personaly I thinks it harsh what they do to the poor animals" she glares at Alex.

I snicker.

"I agree with you... about the vegitarian part" I smile at her, biting my apple.

"You guys wan too come shopping in Port Angles today?" she asks us.

"Hells to the yeah" Emily and Alex grin at the same time.

They all look at me.

"Yes, but how are we getting there?" I ask.

"You're 16! Don't you have a drivers license yet?" Emily grins.

"No... I'm not allowed to drive, I have this.... problem" I smile nervously, biting my lip.

"Well my brother could drive us there, he usually just goes around town doing god knows what. I could just call him to pick us up and drive us back home" Alex smiles.

"Jonah. Can I talk to you for a sec?" I hear a soft voice.

I turn and see Edward Cullen. I nod smiling, getting up from the table. I follow him into the boys washroom.

"Bella wants you to take your medication... she needs me to watch you" he chuckles, handing me my vitamin water.

I grab them from the palstic baggy in my back pocket. I put them in my mouth quickly, and wash them down with water. I smile at Edward. He chuckles and we walk down the hall.

"How's school?" he asks.

"Good. i'm going to Port Angles this afternoon" I grin at him.

"With whom?" he asks me curiously.

"Emily Newton, Alex and Mitzy. Freshmens" I chuckle.

"I see, well have a good day" he grins, a crooked grin and we walk into the caf, goingseperate ways.

I sit back down at the table and they give me questioning stares.

"What?" I murmur and take a sip of my drink, tasting the blant taste in my throat.

"Edward Cullen just dosen't take random people to places" Emily laughs.

"He just needed to ask me something about my sister" I lie.
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