A Night Without Stars


"Please dad" I bed my father with a angry face.

"No, I don't know these kids Jonah. You're not going" he scolds me.

"You don't have to know them! They are MY new friends!" I glare at him.

"Yes, I do because I'm your father" he glares back.

"That hasn't been there for me in the last 9 years!" I scream at him and run upstairs angered.

Why won't he let me GO!? I'm old enough to take care of myself!

My lip quivers...

I want to go back home, obviously this isn't going to work out

I grab my cell phone, I lock the door to my room, tears streaming down my face.


Mom? I want to come home

Honey, you've been there for five days. You already want to come? What's wrong sweetie?

"Jonah... let me in" I hear the knocks of my dad.

"GO AWAY!" I scream and throw a shoe at the door.

Mom, I wanna come home

"Jonah! Open this door right now!" My father screams.

"NO!" I scream, crying.

Jonah! What's happening over there?!

Dad's being mean

The door slams open. My father walks over to me. Picks me up, I grip the phone in my hands.

"Let go of me! MOM! HELP!" I scream into the phone.

His grip was tight and it hurt painfully.

"DONT STOP! DAD IT HURTS! NO! STOP PUT ME DOWN!" I whimper in pain, grabbing my chest crying.

I can hear the shouts from my phone.

Charlie's p.o.v

I didn't touch him. He needs the medication. He did this when he was 5.

I take the phone from his hands and put it to my ear.


Renee, what do I do ?

You forgot his medication?! Take him to the hospital RIGHT NOW! He needs the injections of hes going to do something serious

I'll call you later

I close the phone and pick up my screaming son. I run down stairs and see Bella and Edward run in.

"Dad, Dad! What are you doing to him!" Bella screams terrified.

"He's having a panic attack. We need to get him to the hospital" I say, panicing myself.

"Let me take him Charlie. Me and Bella will drive and meet us there" Edward says, taking my son away.

I sigh, as we run outside I get into the car and they get into Cullen's Volvo.

Bella's p.o.v

My brother screams in pain at me, laying in the back seat.

"Isabella! Help me" he sobs, banging his head on the seat.

"Jonah... don't worry" I murmur nervously.

"His ribs hurt" Edward mumbles under his breath.

"He's having a panic attack. With out his meds, he gets scared and worried that he's going to die. So his brain play tricks, making him think he's dying" I say worried.

"I know Bella, he's going to be okay" Edward places his hand on mine.

I sigh and try to ignor his screams on pain.

Jonah's p.o.v

Beep! Beep! Beep !

The wonderful sounds of my sad heart moniter. I groan, and open my eyes, blinking away the bright ness of the overly white room.

I look around, seeing Bella, Mom, Dad and Jacob, sleepin on the waiting room chairs.

I sigh and lean my head back against the flat pillow. I turn to the clock.


"You're awake" I hear the soft voice of Edward.

I look up at him curiously. I nod.

"Yeah" I mumble, my voice raspy.

"Here, drink some water" he hands me a cup.

I drink it slowly, my throat feels better quickly.

"When did my mom get here?" I ask him quietly, trying not to wake them.

"Yesterday, you had a panic attack" he tells me, his bright eyes shining.

"I know" I sigh, sadly, tears forming in my eyes.

"It happened everytime I purposely forget my pills, seeing if I could keep myself sane" I sigh, a tear rolling down my cheek.

I look at Edward, his face is sad.

I bite on my lip. I sniff and wipe away my tears.

"Sorry, I'm a big baby" I laugh.

"No, it's alright" he smiles, sitting down beside me on my bed.

"Why are you up so late?" I question.

"I'm not one to go to bed early" He smiles cutely at me.

"Ooh, but its 3:30" I laugh.

"Exactly, what are you doing up this late?" he smirks.

"Talking to you" I laugh.

He chuckles and then the lights randomly turn off.

"They do that when they see everyone sleeping" he smiles.

"Okay, good I thought it was a ghost or something" I blush at myself.

"No such things as ghosts you know?" he smiles.

"Not in my world, they are all over, every house... but they're shy and do not like to show themselves, embaressed that they died" I smile, biting my lip.

"You're right. Your way sounds much better..." he chuckles.

"I have to much time on my hands in the hospital beds, waiting to recovers, or waiting for sugery. It's sad really because... I'm about to die, when I've spent about 60% of my life in the hospital, 25% in school and then the rest sleeping or being smothered by everyone. I'm never truely alone, people don't trust me being alone. They don't trust me with my friends" I say sadly.

"I agree with you, but Bella told me you don't want to knwo your life span or your cancer.. why is that?" he questions.

"Because... I know its really close soon a year at the most and I really don't want to know which month I'm going to die. Or how. I just know it's going to hurt" I say sadly, tears filling in my eyes.

" What about saying goodbye?" he murmurs.

"I already did, I made a letter to everyone in my close family... I gave one to my grandma, barried it beside her grave. I'm all set, I have my will and everything" I smile sadly.

"What if you could live... would you give it all away, youre family, friends... everything?" he asks.

"I'm not sure. If I wouldn't remember them, I would. But if I would, then no" I sigh.

"Ooh." he mumbles.

I nod, curling up in the blankets. It's cold here.

"I'm sorry, I'm cold" Edward says, getting up, as if reading my thoughts.

"No, No. It's alright, I don't mind" I say and put a weak hand on his shoulder.

He lays back down slowly and I snuggle up to my pillow, half smiling.

"What's your favourtie colour?" I ask him randomly.

"Blue, what is yours?" he chuckles.

"I like the colour.... Orange, or green, orange for oranges and green for nature" I grin.

"I'm guessing you like Oranges" he chuckles.

"I love them" I grin cheekily at him. "So, whats your favourite sport?" I question.

"Hmm.. I don't play sports but I like to watch football with my brother" he smiles.

"You have a brother?" I ask.

"Yes, I have 2. Emmett ad Jasper. We're foster brothers though" he smiles.

"Ooh. Like Alice?" I question.

"Yes, Like Alice. I also have another sister, Rosalie" he smiles.

"Are you all pale, have bright eyes and oddly pale?" I laugh.

"....Yes...." he chuckles.

"Well... people say I should be with the 'Cullens' well, my friend Mitzy does" I laugh.

"Yes, one big happy family" he chuckles.

"It would be fun, even though I only know Alice. She's really nice by the way" I smile.

"Yes, but she is very.. pesty and very bothersome" he chuckles.

"Well yes, all sisters are in different ways" I grin.

He laughs. glancing at Isabella.

"So how are you feeling?" he asks me.

I nibble on my lip.

Such a bad habbit...

"I feel a little light headed.... and like I need to hic-cup" I laugh.

He smiles.

"You are very light" he says randomly.

"I know. It's not healthy. I think I weigh less then Isabella" I blush.

"Because you eat organic foods?" he asks me.

"Not all organic, but mostly" I smile.

"I see" he murmurs.

"Yes" I laugh, looking at the ceiling.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groan and grip my hands on the damn heart moniter chord connected to me.

"Don't do that, it will stop and it will say that you died. Everyone will wake up and doctors will rush into the room" he smiles, leaning over me, gripping my hand softly in his.

I blush, biting my lip as his face is rihgt over mine. He notices and goes back quickly. Smoothly... just like...


My heart rate goes faster. Shit. I blush.

"What's the matter?" he asks.

"Nothing... just a memory" I chuckle, turning my head to the moniter with a glare.

What if I unplug it...

"You should sleep" he tells me.


"Sleep" he chuckles, putting to cold fingers on my eye lids.

I calm me down. I let out a shaky breath and sigh.

Ugh. I'm not tired.. I was just about to go and pull that stupid cord..

"One more question.... why do you love Isabella?" I grin.

"Well she's very beautiful... I love her eyes, they are dazzeling. Her voice is musical...." he says honestly.

"Thoes are physical features..." I murmur with smug eyes.

"I love the way she laughs, the way she makes my heart skip a beat.... or when she gets shy, she looks away, blushing. Her studder..." he smiles softly at me.

"They way he looks away at certain times, or bits his lip when he's nervous, or flips his hair... or when he looks at you, his eyes could... they could paralyze you right there. They're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Lips, pale, but soft and kissable... his voice is mezmerizing... his inner beauty, the way he looks at things.." he goes on.

His? He's talking about a boy...

I look at him, as he goes on.

I notice my heart rate speed up, I quickly ignore the fact, turning my head.

"When he speaks, it's like he's telling the most beautiful story in the world, the passion and honesty in his words. Or when he's hyper... he's just like a child, giggly and always showing that beautiful smile..." he stops, his eyes looking right at mine.

I swallow, I bite my lip nervously.

"Y-your N-not talking a-about Isabeall.. are y-you?" I studder.

He was queit, just looking at me.

Thats when he kissed me.

My heart rate sped up, I quickly kiss his cold lips back. Our lpis mold together perfectly
♠ ♠ ♠
Commet, Rate, && Masterbate! ;] Kidding haha.

C a l e i g h C a n n i b a l x3