A Night Without Stars


Bella's p.o.v

I sigh. Huggin Jake sadly. He already imprinted, with someone unknown. He smiles sadly at me.

"Sorry Bells. Want me to stay over for the night?" He questions, looking up at the window of my room with the brown eyes I fell in love with, I guess I'm too late now. I sigh, nodding my head and getting out of his car. He follows only in his cut offs.


"Jonah! Did you take your pills?!" I shout walking into the house going to the kittchen cupboard to get them. He alwyas forgets.

"Shh. He's sleeping. Yes, I woke him up an hour ago" A voice murmurs from beside me. I jump, yelping in shock. I stare at the boy in my kitchen.

"Oh. I'm sorry. you must be Isabella right? I'm Julian, Jonahs... Boyfriend" he smiles at me, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I shake it softly. Nodding slowly I see jake walk in.

"Boyfriend?!" he asks, in shock with wide eyes. Julian turns to him, smirking. He chuckles, nodding.

"Yes, and I'm sorry" he smiles and turns, walking up the stairs.

Jonah's p.o.v

I yawn. Stretching out my arms.

"Gooooooood morning Sleeping Beauty. How are you?" A chuckle is heard from the door. I turn my head and smile softly at Julian.

"Tired" I huff, hiding my face in my pillow. He laughs, climbing into the bed beside me and snuggling into my back. I shiver and turn to face him. I smile softly and peck his lips with ease.

I hear quick foot steps run up stairs. The door opens and my dad looks at Julian and I with akward eyes.

"Er... You did'nt..?" he mutters, akwardly looking around the room.

"No we didn't. I'm sorry. My name is Julian" My boyfriend chuckles, standing up and lending a hand to Dad. My dad eyes him and shakes his hand softly.

"Good. You. Pills. Shower" He says, pointing to me. I huff, rolling my eyes and getting out of bed. I grumble and fall into Julian.

"Dad, Julian. Julian. Dad" I groan, hugging my new boyfriend.

"Er.. Yeah" My dad says akwardly, abviously not used to the homo's yet. I giggle and watch my door close and foot steps walk down the stairs.

Julian chuckles huggint me close to his body.

"I met your sister. She is very nice, but I also met Jacob" He says, eyeing me.

"Jacob is here? Come on. Lets go!" I grin, pulling his hand and going down the stairs grinning. I run into the living room and see a sad Bella and a very stressed out Jacob. I frown and sit in the middle of them on the couch.

"A-" I start but someone inturrupts me.

"Pills" Isabella demands me. I pout and get up walking to the kitchen and getting my pills.

I quickly run back and sit in the middle of them, keeping my eye on Julian at the same time.

"Are you alright Isabella? I'm really sorry" I sigh, wrapping my frail arms around her body. She hug me back tightly.

"I know. It's alright Jonah, I forgive you" she sighs, looking at me with sad eyes.

I bite my lip and turn to Jacob.

"How are you?" I question. He looks up and smiles.

"Good. How are you doing?" he chuckles, his voice was strained though.

"Alright I guess. So you met my boyfriend Julian" I grin, turning to my boyfriend. Julian chuckles nodding.

"Yeah" he grumbles. I frown and hit him.

"Be nice Jacob!" I gasp, hitting his arm with a slight giggle.

"Sorry" he huffs, looking at me with sad chocolate brown eyes.

"Where did Father go?" I question, looking at my sibling.

"Work... Jonah do you know where Edward is?" she asks, looking at Julian.

"He left yesterday. I-I don't know where. Maybe you should call him" I murmur sadly.

"okay" she sighs, getting off of the couch and leaving to find the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes... I know. VERY short.

But I'm going through major family problems right now

Sorry ):

C a l e i g h C a n n i b a l