Status: on life support

Sentenced to Hell

Open Arms, Closed Doors

Dylan’s POV, Wednesday morning

I’m usually not the one to get worried about much, but she’s been gone for three days now; the only one who does this kind of this is Christopher, and he’s one of the few guys in here who scares me. The bastard does some of the worst, if not the worst, stuff in this hell hole. He’s really gonna mess her up, she was worse off enough before she was taken; I can’t imagine how she’s gonna be when he lets her go… if he lets her go. If she can walk in here without collapsing, I’ll be impressed.

Jessica told me that he was talking to them, and she thought he had started to ‘like’ Fin… I’m so worried about this, so is Jess; these idiots don’t usually go so hard on the new inmates, but she’s different; she’s servile, weak; she hasn’t put up much of a fight. If she doesn’t start standing her ground she’s going to get herself killed.

Wednesday, 10:30pm

The caverns’ pretty loud tonight; the cries are echoing around the entire place, and their keeping me up. But I can’t get any sleep anyway, my mind is just buzzing too much. I can’t avoid the fact that Finley’s probably being beaten, raped, or worse since she’s with Christopher.

It’s been a horrible three days, since Fin has been away. Tyler and Eric have a thing for guys, if you get what I’m saying. Since she’s gone they haven’t held back their urges and haven’t even bothered to take me into their torture chambers; I can’t even sit on my bed without my heart beating five times too fast.

So instead of sleeping I’m leaning against the door; so if Eric or Tyler tries to ‘sneak’ in I’ll be ready. Even though I’m trying to stay alert, I keep dozing off, even though I promised Jess I wouldn’t. She made me swear I’d be awake if Fin got out tonight. I doubt she’d want to talk to me though… after I snapped at her, even though she’s going to need someone to talk so after this ordeal.

It hurts me to see her green eyes so pained; her strawberry blonde hair matted down with blood; it’s just horrible. I’ve always, well for the past week or so, really liked her. I know it sounds so bad, but something about her makes this place not so hell-on-earth; she’s my light in this pitch black chasm.

It’s been a long night, and its 11 o’clock; I don’t think she’s going to be back tonight. As I was finally starting to doze off, the creak of the cell door and the harsh voice of a guard woke me up. After the past few nights, I learned it was smart to keep quiet. There were some scuffled footsteps and then the sharp slap of skin on cement followed by a cry. I opened my eyes after I heard the door shut to see Finley passed out on the cell floor.

Finley’s POV, same night
The past three days have been a blur; Christopher has been trying to train me, as I if I was a dog; merely a piece of property. So many things happened, but the… I can’t even bear to say it; whatever happened to Christopher as ac child really fucked him up, lets put it that way.
One thing about him is that he tells you everything, even the things you’d really rather not hear; he told me how this all works; the repetition of abuse and pain eventually brainwashes you into following orders. The entire situation was just frightening; I don’t know how Jess can bear to talk about any of it.

After these three days of beatings and abuse, he undid the shackles and let me go. He called for one of the guards and he dragged me back to my cell, literally. It felt good to leave; the last day was the worst; I was almost sure he had gotten angry with me, even though his face was completely blank while he kicked me. But he still said I was one of the better ones; he was ‘proud’ of me. None of those comments made the bruises and cuts heal any faster…

All of the sudden my mind woke back up and I was in front of my cell; the guard was mumbling about Christopher and something about me; without warning he shoved me into the cell. I immediately lost my balance and fell head-first into the floor; the clang of the door echoing through the relatively silent room.

“Finley, is that you?” Dylan? Oh God I completely forgot about him…

“God Dammit, what has he done? Hang on Fin I’ll help you.”

I heard his gentle footsteps on the smooth cement; his Vans right in front of my eyes, but all I could see was Christopher’s black boots. Was my mind playing tricks on me?

“Don’t kick me again, please; I promise I’ll obey, just don’t hurt me!”

“Fin… it’s me…Dylan.”

“I’m sorry… I promise not to be disobedient.”

“Finley, its Dylan; Christopher isn’t here, he won’t hurt you.”

I tried to pick myself up, but my arms were far to battered and I just slipped; bashing my head into the cement.

“Please just let me help you, you’re just going to make things worse.”
I felt him touch my shoulder gently, but it felt like I was being bludgeoned.

“Please stop! I won’t break the rules again, I promise…” Why was he yelling at me? Why was he angry? What did I do?

“Finley, just get up, c’mon.” He softly grabbed under my arms and lifted me off of the cold cement floor. I yelled, cried, pleaded, pain was flowing through my veins; why was he hurting me?

“Finley, calm down; no one is hurting you. Please, stop screaming.”

The loud, demanding voice disappeared and I heard Dylan’s soft and gentle one. I started to cry when I realized what had happened… my mind was playing tricks on me. All I heard was Christopher yelling, demanding; I was never good enough/

“Oh my god, Dylan… I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay; just calm down… keep breathing…”

He set me down on the lower bunk; I was cradled in his arms. I looked into his face and saw the sadness and fear in his eyes, even though his hair was covering most of his face. His hair was covering bruises… they were covering his temples and there was a gash coming out from behind his hair.

“Dylan, what happened? Your face…”

“Nothing, just some idiots called Eric and Matthew. Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“No, your not. I’m pretty messed up but I can tell when you’re not fine… and you’re not fine.”

I reached for his hair, so I could brush it out of his face and see his icy blue eyes; he batted me away, his beautiful eyes filling with fear again.

“Don’t look, it’s nothing Fin.”

I just wanted to see your eyes, their so beautiful… seeing them so sad hurts.”

His face lighted up a little, and he almost smiled, but he held it back.

“Your eyes are crying Fin, what’s wrong?”

“They’re crying because they can’t see what makes them smile.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry for the wait... my mom just passed away so I haven't really had the time to update...

But here... I know the end is kinda cheezy... but I thought it fit..

Comments please?