Status: on life support

Sentenced to Hell

Introductions are in order

“I’m just too out of place here; somewhere I don’t belong”
“That’s what they all say; but in your case… I’d believe you.” I put my pile of clothes on the bottom bunk and sat next to them. I pulled me knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them. The sounds of fists against metal echoed through the cavernous hall. One especially loud yell made me flinch.
“Man, you really have to relax. Don’t let that get to you; it’s the last thing you need to be concerned about. Um… what’s your name again?”

“Finley Connors.”
Finley? What the hell kinda name is that?”

“A decent one, compared to some. Your name’s Dylan, right?”

“Yep, I’m Dylan Taylor; the only guilty one in Desert State.”

“Really; what did you do?”

“I killed a few guys.”

“A few… how long have you been here?”

“About two years of a life sentence.”

“Wow… hang on though, how old are you?”

“I’m seventeen; I was 15 when it happened. The trial was pushed along to quickly; I think it was barely a week long. The jury sentenced and I was shipped here; that’s about it.” I couldn’t imagine killing anyone when I was that young.

“You were only 15; why did you do it?” When the word why left my lips, his expression changed to one of pure anger. He walked over from his spot leaning on the wall to inches away from my face. He grabbed my shoulder with one hand; the other was in a fist.

“Don’t ever talk about why I’m in here or what I’ve done, understand?”

“I’m sorry…” He climbed up into his bunk and all that was left was silence. I didn’t realize that he was blocking, of all things, a door when he was leaning against the wall.

“Hey, what the door for? It’s the last thing I thought I’d see in here.” I heard rustling above, and his head came down over the edge of the bed.

“You’ll see; it won’t be long, since Eric’s on shift tonight.”
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Its shorter.. but hopefully you don't think i killed it..
please comment!!! i feel very lonely..