Status: on life support

Sentenced to Hell

Answered and unanswered questions

An uneasy feeling had set in after our little conversation. I don’t like the idea of “you’ll see”. I started laying out my blankets on the uncomfortable looking, thin mattress. I sat back down, and the boredom set in; as you could guess there isn’t much you can do while locked in a cell.

“Fin you might as well sleep, there’s not much else to do. We don’t get out for dinner until 6-ish. Then… well…”

“Then; that isn’t reassuring. Why can’t you just tell me what’s going to happen; and the door that’s in here? You’re really suspicious, you know.”

“I’m not going to be the one to tell you, not now. It’ll just make things worse later.”

Time Lapse

On my way back from dinner, it was my first chance to look at everyone here. Most of the girls were timid when the guards around; they looked terrified. Some of the guards seemed really laid back, at least the ones I saw. But one of the most shocking things was the amount of people bruised and cut. I expected there would be some fights, but not enough for everyone to be that way.

I received many dirty looks on that walk, except for two girls who looked more sincere and almost sorry for me. All too quickly I had arrived at my cell, was pushed inside, and the door was shut. Everything was the same as I left it, but Dylan hadn’t come back yet. Everything seemed more empty and cold when you’re alone. I decided I’d sleep, since there wasn’t much more I could so besides sit around.

Time Lapse

A sharp pinch woke me up, along with a very firm hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but the arm tightened along my throat.
“Hey… c’mon now relax; don’t get yourself riled up just yet.” My eyes weren’t adjusting to the dark and I was still really groggy, so I couldn’t see who was behind me. I tried to pull his arm away, but I was weak compared to his muscular build.
“Everyone here hears enough screaming, yours doesn’t stand out much; don’t bother.” His grip started to loosen, and I managed to squirm away out of his grasp.
“Someone help me, please!”
“Finley, don’t go causing trouble now.” Whoever was attacking me got me back into a headlock and pulled me towards the back of the cell; to the door. I heard the click of a lock, and I was dragged through the doorway. Before I was really aware of what was happening, I was thrown across the room and I slid into the wall. The impact knocked the wind out of me, but it came back pretty quickly. He was standing in front of me with his arms folded,

“What do you want?” He smiled and took another step closer; creepy guy much?

“I want you to not struggle or fight back when I do what I want to with you.”

“And what’s that?”

“See, if I told you that, you’d try to run and start not-cooperating. So I’d really rather not say.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, kinda short but not bad right?
Please continue to comment, I really like feedback on this stuff.. :)