Status: on life support

Sentenced to Hell

The First Lesson

His firm grasp dragged my along a few dark hallways, and we quickly got to one that was bright with fluorescent lights and lined with doors. I winced at the change and didn’t see which door Christopher opened, but he shoved me inside of one of them.

The door slammed behind us, and with my first look around the room it reminded me of a dungeon; that seemed way to cliché. The walls were lined with dark stone, like the prison itself. There are rusted chains and shackles hanging from the walls. Everything was covered in rust and grime, except for a steel table in the corner. There were instruments on the table that were out of place in a dingy room like this; they were clean; they looked like surgical scalpels.

“Can I take these off now, or are you going to try and run again?” He said, tugging quite hard at my wrists; I didn’t answer him.

“You don’t want them off? Fine then…”

He let go of me, but shoved me face first into the far wall. My face hit the stone and blood quickly started to flow from a gash in my forehead while a shot of pain ran down my jaw. I slid down the wall, whimpering at the sharp pain running through my face. Christopher just stared at me like I was an alien, not a person.

“To this day is amazes me how easily some people fall to pain. How quickly your expression and demeanor changes because of one blow just mind-blowing to me. See I’ve never had the chance to feel these emotions… so this just is shocking.”

His tone has changed since your meeting earlier; it had a sharp, overpowering feeling to it. I don’t care who you are, but the vibe he has could freak out anyone.

I looked into his eyes, they looked darker now when they were lighter not even two hours ago.

“Did Jessica tell you why I do what I do exactly?”

“No, she said I’d find out on my own.”

“Well that surprises me; she was such a talkative one… and one hell of a screamer-”

“Don’t talk about Jessica like that!”

His head turned to me, and kicked me square in the chest. His boot felt like it should’ve gone right through me; all the time his face was emotionless.

“You need to be disciplined…” He said while circling me; was I his prey now?

“I haven’t told you how things go here, have I?” I ignored him- the only think I could focus on was the pain spreading through my chest.

“Well here’s the first part of your disciplining; you answer when I speak to you and only when I speak to you.”

He delivered another blow into my chest, making it fee like it was splitting in two and making it extremely hard to breathe. Answering his question came to mind.

“No… you haven’t told me yet.”

“Finally, it does what it’s told. There are three ground rules you have to know; the first one you are already aware of- answer when I speak to you, you don’t resist me or question me about anything, and don’t tell anyone about what transpires here; understood?”

“Yes, I understand.”

I choked out, pain spread through my chest every time I spoke, none-the-less tried to take in air. He approached me again, grabbing my hands and unlocking the handcuffs. I struggled with him, trying to free myself from his grasp.

“Finley, what did I tell you about resisting? I know you were listening to me…”

His grip tightened around my wrists, bending them into an odd angle, shooting pain up into my arms; taking all of my attention.

“Are you going to answer me, you know what I expect from you.”

He twisted my arms into an even more uncomfortable angle, putting so much stress on them that I was sure my joints were going to explode. The pain was so strong I fell to me knees, trying to focus on what Christopher was saying to me.

“Answer me Finley!”

“You-you said not to resist…”

He let me go and I fell, limply onto the cold stone floor. I whimpered at the pain shooting from the gash on my head hitting the stone again. He sighed, walking over to me; I saw his boots inches from my eyes.

“You’ll eventually learn…”

He grabbed my pulsing wrist and pulled me to his eye level. There was a minute spark of thrill deep down in his eyes. He pinned me down, locking the shackles around my aching wrists.

He turned away, heading to the table in the corner; I was too low to see what he was doing. But he quickly turned around; it seemed like he was smiling even though his face was a blank slate. I looked him over, his pants were…bulging in a certain area; he can’t show emotion but can get turned on… great.

Adrenaline quickly flowed through my system; I couldn’t have this happen to me again. He approached me, dragging his heels, just dragging out the inevitable. I started to breathe faster while my heart was pounding inside my aching chest. I felt my eyes fill with tears, that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard I tried. His hands quickly went to my shoulders, shoving me against the stone wall, again.

“Don’t resist.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So... I got that second update in, just like I said I would..

This is personally the chapter I'm the most proud of..

could you comment on this... I need feedback!

thank you to all of my subscribers and commenting people!! :)